Top Three Takeaways – August 12th, 2021
- Do you want fries with that? My answer would be yes. It’s rare that I patronize McDonalds, however whenever I do, I want the fries. Let’s all be honest, that’s why you go to McDonalds, right? Everything else just accompanies your excuse for going there in the first place. Now, Broward parents should absolutely take Broward school chair Rosalind Osgood up on this statement at Tuesday’s board meeting in which they mandated masks without a parental opt-out in violation of state law: I guess I'll go back to my community and we’ll set up a GoFundMe, or somebody will get me a job at McDonald's somewhere. That was said in reference to the potential that Governor DeSantis would withhold her salary as he’s indicated he might do for administrators who violate the law. Now personally, I feel that any McDonalds location deserves better, but recruitment is tough right now and who knows she might fail less than she has at her current post. After all, can you really be more incompetent than presiding over a district that’s had its Chief Technology Officer, Chief legal counsel and Superintendent arrested this year? So yes Osgood, I want fries with that and if you get my order wrong, I won’t complain because you’ll be doing far less harm to far fewer people. Osgood also offered up this quip: I’ll be able to have a moral conscience and know I didn't put somebody’s life at risk. Right because Governor DeSantis, the Florida Department of Health and The Florida Board of Education is amoral for...
- Following the science. The actual science. As I’ve repeatedly stated this week, there is clear science indicating real harm measured last school year due to students of all ages wearing masks. 13, not one, not two but 13 related studies listed on the National Institutes of Health website. As many as 81% of students suffered negative consequences when having to wear masks. This includes 28% which suffered physical health problems and 45% which suffered mentally. Additionally, the World Health Organization is even warning against masking children in the classroom. Oh, and about the reason we actually send students to school. All related studies found masks impair the ability for teachers to teach and students to learn. But why get bogged down with facts or actual science when instead you can just ignore it? And make no mistake, it’s pervasive within South Florida’s school districts. Palm Beach County’s new superintendent ignored the science when he instituted a mask mandate and it’s absurd that parents should have to opt their kids out if they don’t want to have impaired health or learning throughout their day. But at least the science denying Burke didn’t break the law. What’s going to happen in Dade? There’s a lot of anti-science pressure from the teacher’s union there too. That’s why it’s time to.
- Rise up, speak up and vote out the problems on our school boards. Here’s a note I received from a parent in Palm Beach County which I address in today’s Q&A: First day of school in the books. Daughter in middle school. One daughter wants to change math class because teacher said we will not only learn math .. we will talk about what’s going on in the world, like George Floyd. Her comment. Is this math? What to do? This isn’t just about masks or even about Critical Race Theory which, make no mistake will covertly and at times overtly, be pushed inside our classrooms this year. I warned when the Florida Board of Education banned the teaching of Critical Race Theory that the battle was just beginning. Day one in a middle school math class in Palm Beach County only further illustrates the point. Every parent must engage with their children’s education. If confronted with problems you must rise up, speak up and push back. The truth is indoctrination has slowly been cranked up for decades in our public schools, the establishment just isn’t hiding it anymore and you’re just more aware. That’s where there’s good news here. These educators aren’t used to adversity. They’re not used to be challenged. They’re not used to many parents paying attention. We can make a difference and most importantly we must make a difference. And for non-parents. Your property taxes are paying for this too. Your voice matters just as much. You might not have kids in these schools, but you can be attentive to board meetings and work to hold the line where needed. We also need good candidates for school boards throughout South Florida for future elections. It’s time to rise up, speak up and vote out problems. These are our schools. These are our children and it’s time to turn the tide of what’s happening in them and with them.