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Top Three Takeaways – September 2nd, 2021
- School mask bombshell. Unsurprisingly, despite the hard facts I presented illustrating the Palm Beach County School District has experienced a 62% increase in COVID-19 cases among students since they put the mask mandate without parental opt out in place... It’s been crickets aside from my reporting. As was illustrated by the CDC from the previous school year... Required mask use among students was not statistically significant compared with schools where mask use was optional. But what was statistically significant are the 81% of students who reported some form of negativity from wearing masks all day at school last year, in addition to all related studies which have shown that teachers at all levels of education are less effective when they wear masks and students at all levels learn less when they wear masks.
- This is beyond dispute. It’s data from the CDC and its data posted on the National Institutes of Health’s website and yet it’s not in your news media. It’s not presented at your school board meetings. It’s not at all what you’re being told by the superintendents. And my bombshell report yesterday, once again showing that 62% more students per day have tested positive for COVID-19 in Palm Beach County since the adaptation of a mandatory mask policy without parental optout, is analysis from data readily available on the school district’s own website. It’s stunning the lengths that local and state news media along with the school districts will go to avoid the truth, inhibit learning and harm our children. This is what happens when narratives rather than facts take hold. I want you to take another look at your proposed property tax bill. I want you to see how much money you’re paying with just the roof over your head – independent of other taxes you pay that go to education - to have context for how much we’re paying for this unscientific injustice. Speaking of which...
- A Heartbeat away. A familiar refrain of mine when talking about abortion is that it’s not a pumpkin. I’ve shared, many times over the years, my education pertaining to abortion. Like all research I do, I go to the source and obtain the facts. For this topic, that meant watching an abortion at every stage of pregnancy. Or, I should say, attempting to. I became physically ill in addition to emotionally distraught before completing the exercise. That’s because at about the point where there’s clearly a baby with fingers and toes...well, what happens from there, is unspeakable. The biggest obstacle to righting the greatest wrong which has been legal in this country is ignorance. From informed consent in Florida, to Texas’s new law, the opposition fights for ignorance. That’s because most who are honestly informed about what happens after six weeks would be horrified. Perhaps even more important than Texas’s new state law banning abortions after a heartbeat is detected, is a national conversation that’s taking place. For people to hear that there’s a heartbeat, a human heartbeat, after six weeks is important. It’s the type of information that those who fight for death in the name of choice attempt to combat. Who could possibly be against making informed medical decisions? The answer. The death in the name of choice crowd. Far better than banning abortions would be for pregnant girls and women to choose the life of their child realizing how precious life truly is.