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Top Three Takeaways – September 17th, 2021
- It’s accountability time. That could apply to so many different situations in our society today, couldn’t it? That could apply to Florida’s school districts which are continuing to illegally impose school mask mandates without parental opt outs. That could apply to local governments/agencies which have violated Florida’s ban on vaccine mandates, a la Gainesville and Palm Beach County’s Tax Collector’s Office. That could apply to Florida’s teachers who signed a pledge to teach Critical Race Theory after it was banned by the Florida Board of Education. We’re in an unprecedented cycle of lawlessness with public sector employees and officials – where they’re willing to break the law in the light of day. And while the aforementioned examples are examples of those who need to be held accountable, there are two much bigger conspiracies which demand accountability, and it just might be about time we start to see it. The greatest conspiracy in the history of the United States of America, the plot to create the entire Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory, and the NIH coverup of COVID-19 origins. There are meaningful developments on both of those fronts. That’s because...
- John Durham’s still alive. I mean his investigation. I know many who’ve sought accountability for those responsible for the Steel Dosier, the FISA court abuses and the conspiracy being leaked to the media have now long given up on Durham. He however, hasn’t given up on the case. It’s now go time if ever there were to be one. The statutes of limitations for a key player in the conspiracy, Democrat attorney Michael Sussmann of the since disbanded Perkins Coie law firm, Hillary Clinton and the DNC’s law firm, which paid for the fraudulent Steel Dosier, would have hit on Sunday. That’s because his role dates back to a September 19th, 2016, phone call to the FBI related to Russia. The waiting game is now over. Sussmann has been indicted by Durham’s Grand Jury. I’m of the view that he hasn’t come this far in his investigation just for the heck of it. Accountability could finally be coming for deep state actors responsible for the bogus Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy starting with the DNC’s attorney. Many in news media are attempting to downplay this indictment which is rich given their two years' worth of false reporting associated with the Trump-Russia collusion hoax and Robert Muller’s investigation. Sussmann’s denying guilt. We’ll see what happens here but both Durham and his investigation are very much alive. Speaking of deep state...
- Fauci’s a criminal. How does it feel to work as hard as you do to pay taxes which the National Institutes of Health used to fund the Wuhan Lab of Virology? Did you know that 54 scientists at the National Institutes of Health have resigned or been fired already over the COVID-19 origins investigation? But nothing to see there right Fauch? So recently the Intercept exposed the direct gain-of-function research taking place at the Wuhan Lab using money from US grants from the National Institutes of Health using the Eco Health Alliance. Senator Rand Paul took the evidence directly to the Fauch in a recent hearing. The Fauch, refused to retract his previous sworn testimony before Congress in which he lied. And then further lied about what gain-of-function research is. This despite Rand Paul providing Fauci’s own language for what it is, which was adopted under federal law as illegal. First, it’s evident Fauci has perjured himself before Congress. Now, the investigation into NIH has revealed a new key bombshell. The Wuhan lab provided data in March of 2020 to the National Institutes of Health pertaining to COVID-19 origins. Soon after it was deleted from all NIH records at the request of the Chinese government. This is no conspiracy theory. The Wall Street Journal report which broke this has been recognized by Becker’s Healthcare – the gold standard in medical health news - as authentic. Kind of explains why 54 scientists at the NIH have disappeared doesn’t it? Anthony Fauci is a criminal and its a near certainty your hard-earned tax dollars were used to fund COVID-19 in some capacity. Back to where I started. It’s accountability time.