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Top Three Takeaways – October 1st, 2021
- Halloween came early for Nancy Pelosi. I’m not sure what the creepier scenario might be. Having to try to navigate the street and sidewalk poo to trick-or-treat at Nancy Pelosi’s house or for the better part of twenty years having her threaten, ahem, instruct her caucus as to what they were going to do in Nancy’s House on Capitol Hill. I do know after yesterday, the street poo’s the bigger risk. That’s because...Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch’s reign in Congress is dead. On Monday I mentioned this...While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is banking on this week being a legislative Royal Flush, with three huge pieces of legislation clearing the House – The $3.5 trillion dollar George Constanza backed Human Fund, the bi-partisan infrastructure deal which already passed in the Senate and the raising of the debt ceiling – her odds of getting all three through Congress are about as long as holding a Royal Flush. The Battle of Little Big Horn was known as Custer’s last stand. The battle which was expected to be an epic showdown in the Sioux Wars was over in under an hour with Custer and every one of his regiment’s 210 men wiped out. There were no survivors. The number in Custer’s regimen is auspiciously close to how many votes House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has for the Human Fund through the reconciliation process today. Just as 210 wasn’t enough in 1876 – it's not enough in the House of Representatives today. Speaker Pelosi previously promised ten key moderate House Democrats they’d get a standalone vote on the bi-partisan Senate infrastructure package no later than today if a reconciliation deal hadn’t been struck in Congress. Which as of now it has not. Today has the potential to effectively be Nancy’s last stand. If she plays hardball and goes back on her word to her own caucus in Congress, she’ll retain no credibility with anyone. Not the Squad on her hard left, not the moderates on her right or the majority that’s in line with her politically. That could mean none of the agenda happens effectively ending Pelosi’s relevance. Now, more important to the country than Pelosi's days as the key power broker quickly coming to a close, is the fact that at least as of now, we’ve averted becoming a socialist country. Should that remain the case, it would mean this Halloween the scarier prospect would be navigating San Francisco’s street poo to trick-or-treat at her house as opposed to being opposed to her in the People’s House.
- History has already been made in law enforcement this year for the worst possible reason. We’ve now suffered the highest number of line-of-duty deaths that our country has suffered in recorded history...and its only October first. We’ve suffered 316 LODS as of Thursday, exceeding last year’s high of 307 deaths. Catching COVID-19 on the job has been the biggest killer, but far from the only one. Actually, every category is higher year over year including the murdering of law enforcement officers, which is up 23% from a year ago. Florida’s far from immune. We’ve now lost 28 law enforcement professionals in the line of duty, also a record high total, exceeding last year’s loss of 16. It’s never been more dangerous to be in law enforcement and at the same time the need for law enforcement is as great as ever. That’s why it’s critical that we back the badge, spread the word and thank those who honorably serve to keep us safe. What would happen if the day were to come when good people no longer wanted to engage in law enforcement? And while everyone knows the names of the very few who were most wronged by law enforcement, how many people know the names of any of these 316 heroes who died in service of their communities commonly leaving their families behind? And note, a record number of them have been murdered this year, is that a coincidence on back of the defund police movement backed by the Marxist Black Lives Matter Movement? Police Lives Matter to all of us every day and most especially to their families who have more to worry about than ever before. Just because the tide seemingly has begun to turn on the defund movement doesn’t mean the damage hasn’t already been done. Ditto to a news media and woke corporations that fanned the flames of a Marxist organization that led to the movement to begin with.
- Amen Marco. The CDC has reminded us time and again during the pandemic that an unelected body of scientists in Atlanta believe they should be able to dictate the terms of our constitutionally protected freedoms. Yesterday they reminded us that they’re also “woke”. Wednesday the CDC put out updated COVID-19 vaccination guidance for protection for pregnant “people”. Emphasis on people. An observant Marco Rubio had this to say: If the @CDC ever discovers a pregnant man, I assure you his vaccination status will not be the main thing he should be worried about. Amen Marco, amen. Most of us realize that biologically only females can become pregnant. The others, in this case ironically the CDC, are science deniers.