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Florida’s Economy Is Back & Better Than Ever
Bottom Line: According to a study by the Foundation for Government Accountability, Florida’s economy hasn’t just survived the pandemic, we’re once again thriving even while still in it. One of the biggest takeaways from the report was the finding that Florida’s economy is now set to exceed pre-pandemic performance. According to the study, Florida’s economy is now producing $60 billion more in economic output compared with 2019’s record year. And while that’s rather remarkable on its own, our story continues to look even more impressive the deeper into the study you dig. Starting with entrepreneurship.
- From January thru September of 2019 Florida added 298,750 new businesses
- From January thru September of 2021 Florida added 497,760 new businesses
That’s a staggering 1,823 new businesses we’ve had established per day this year in Florida. Incredible in any year but that much more impressive against the backdrop of the pandemic. Obviously, the freedom granted by Governor DeSantis and the state has been critical for many of these opportunities to come about. Speaking of the Governor and his policies... Governor DeSantis’s decision to end the extended unemployment benefits was a big boost to Florida’s economy. From the time of the announcement by the governor thru the end of the extended benefits being paid there was an 86% reduction in unemployment costs with an additional 1.3 million Floridians gaining employment. The summation of the study says it all... THE BOTTOM LINE: Florida is America’s economic powerhouse. As lockdown and mask-up states have struggled to get back on track, Florida has once again proven itself as the nation’s economic powerhouse. Today, there is more job creation, more economic activity, and less unemployment thanks to the economic stewardship of Gov. DeSantis. In particular, the governor’s decision to end the $300 weekly unemployment bonus helped to accelerate Florida’s economic recovery and kick the state into overdrive. Florida is the model for the nation. Other states should emulate the proven Florida model and set their economies on track for success.
Now, back to making America Florida...