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Top Three Takeaways – October 20th, 2021
- Support for election integrity has only grown this year. Entering 2021, there was one issue above all others I mentioned as desperately needing attention prior to future election cycles. Election integrity. It wasn’t just that questionable practices for ballot handling and tabulating were being used in cities like Atlanta, Detroit and Philadelphia or even that close to half of the country questioned election results. It’s that regardless of whatever one’s opinion of last year’s election results happened to be, our elections systems were provably awful and easily open to corruption. As Harvard’s Electoral Integrity Project illustrated, US election integrity ranked 37th out of 38 countries which engage in democratic style elections, 57th overall in the world (behind 20 additional non-democratic countries) and the worst in the developed world. Having a front row seat to election integrity issues and corruption in Broward and Palm Beach counties as recently as 2018, we’re well aware of what happens when you have the wrong people in charge of elections and broken systems in place running them. With the clear need for reform, 18 states have acted this year passing laws to enhance election integrity standards within – led by Florida, Georgia, Iowa and Texas which have taken the most substantive measures to help ensure every ballot voted is by a verified eligible voter. Of course, it hasn’t been easy. Stacy Abrams called voter ID provisions Jim Crow 2.0 and activated the woke left, including President Biden, to threaten Major League Baseball to move the All-Star Game out of majority black Atlanta, which they did, in awarding it instead to uber-white Denver. Of course, similar tactics were tried here – though
- DeSantis don’t play that and stopped the absurdity in its tracks. And of course, Texas persevered despite Democrats literally fleeing the state and in some cases the country to avoid allowing a vote until they couldn’t. So, what’s happened this year in the court of public opinion? Back to where I started. Support for election integrity has only grown. Two different national pollsters, Monmouth and the Honest Elections Project, have now polled support for voter ID at a record high 81%. And what’s changed this year? Overall support for voter ID has grown by 4% with the fastest rise among Black voters where support has grown by 13% this year. The lies of Jim Crow 2.0 have only backfired for world-class race baiters like Stacy Abrams and failed politicians like Joe Biden. That’s also why the federal efforts by Democrats to corrupt our elections will die today. Today’s the day the “For the People Act” and now the “Freedom to Vote Act” are relegated to the dust bin of history. Just as the politicians behind the proposed legislation should be as well. The Democrat party including its congressional membership and the President of the United States is out of lockstep with the 81% of the American people on the most fundamental element to maintaining our representative republic. What does that tell you? We’re headed for a...
- Course correction. It took Jimmy Carter to get us Ronald Regan. That’s to say there’s light at the end of this tunnel. After just nine months of Joe Biden and Democrats in control of Congress most Americans are signaling, they want out of this political arrangement. Consider, according to Gallup’s party ID Democrats held a seven-point advantage earlier this year. Now there are as many Americans who ID as Republicans as Democrats. Republicans have likewise improved on the generic ballot question by five points this year. President Biden’s current approval rating – averaging 43% - is three points worse than President Trump’s on Election Day last year. A course correction is coming in this country and Americans only wish they could vote to make it happen today. And thanks to the efforts of 18 states thus far, when many Americans are next able to vote, they’ll be able to do so with greater integrity in the process.