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Top Three Takeaways – October 21st, 2021
- That’s somebody else’s problem not yours. Here’s a guarantee. Condoleezza Rice will never be invited to be the token conservative on The View. That’s because her brilliance exposes the, in the spirit of Ashley Judd, “nasty women”, on The View to be as wrong as they are nasty. During her Wednesday hit on the show she was put on the defensive by the nasty women about parents engaging with school boards over their concerns along with the need for the teaching of Critical Race Theory. Condoleezza schooled them. Quoting her: First of all, parents ought to be involved in their children’s education … I think parents ought to have a say. We used to have parent-teacher conferences. We used to have PTAs. There are lots of ways for parents do be involved, and they should be. But she was just warming up. My parents never thought I was going to grow up in a world without prejudice, but they also told me, That’s somebody else's problem, not yours. You're going to overcome it and you are going to be anything you want to be. That’s the message that I think we ought to be sending to kids. That’s someone else’s problem not yours. Truer words have never been spoken. Sounds a lot like Dr. King whose dream was that one day we’d judge people based on the content of character rather than the color of one’s skin. The people who keep wanting to make race an issue in society are the people who have the problems. Our society, our country, isn’t the problem. People who choose to exploit race and create divisions are the problem. And when they’re doing it to our kids, they’re outright poisoning them. The people attempting to teach this are trying to create another generation of problems and by doing so by using your children to achieve this - to make it your problem. That’s why it’s imperative that we continue minding the store with what’s happening in the classroom and happening with our school boards. And in the case of South Florida, I’ll remind you that there were teachers who pledged to teach CRT in violation of state law and the Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach County School Districts are continuing to break the law regarding mask mandates right now. Take nothing for granted and as Condeleezza said...
- Parents should be involved. That’s especially true for the Broward School District as this week started with a $25 million settlement over their failings related to the handling of Nickolas Cruz as a student which introduced him to Stoneman Douglas in the first place. Speaking of which, I can’t imagine what it must have felt like for victims' families yesterday during those proceedings with all of the painful details being brought back to light followed by 17 first-degree murder guilty pleas. Or during his statement when he had the audacity to say, after three and a half years, “I am doing this for you” ...directing those words at the victims' families, suggesting he was doing them a favor by pleading guilty.
- Cocktailing. So, the FDA’s officially turned the key on cocktailing your COVID-19 vaccines. This comes on the heels of studies suggesting that not only is it safe but that it might be best. The vaccines all do slightly different things and thus different vaccines might provide additional protection. For some people, especially those who obtained the Johnson and Johnson vaccine - for whom a booster is now recommended for all recipients two months after having received it – it's almost certainly the better path forward for those desirous of a boost. In Florida 4.9% of vaccines distributed on the first pass have been Johnson and Johnson, 38.8% Moderna and 56.3% Pfizer. With Moderna having proven to be the most effective vaccine initially, that’s probably the best path forward for over 60% of Floridians receiving boosters. As for those of us who went with Moderna, perhaps a Pfizer floater’s the way to go? In any event you’re now able to cocktail your cheers!