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Top Three Takeaways – November 8th, 2021
- Bad day for government lawlessness and a good day for your rights. South Florida’s school mask mandates and Biden’s get vaxed or get fired policy. Friday was an important day for your rights over those in government who’ve been trying to take them away. Starting with Florida’s lawless school districts. On Friday, Administrative Judge Brian Newman threw out the latest lawsuit challenging the state on its school mask policy brought by the Alachua, Broward, Duval, Leon, Miami-Dade and Orange County school districts. According to Judge Newman: The evidence admitted in this case established that the emergency rule opt-out provisions strike the right balance by ensuring that the protocols that govern the control of COVID-19 in schools go no further than what is required to keep children safe and in school. This is now the third time that all school districts, including Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach County – have lost in court over this issue. Imagine if the school districts fought as hard for the education of your kids as they have to usurp your rights and those of your children in the classroom? Perhaps the third legal failure will be the charm for these law-breaking school districts to stop using your property tax dollars to file lawsuits to try to take away your rights. So once again, these school districts retain no right to force your child to mask in the classroom, and they haven’t at any time this school year. As I discuss in today’s Q&A these school districts are potentially susceptible for damages for families who’ve been negatively impacted due to their lawlessness and abuse of power. And as I’ve stated right along, for me the biggest issue isn’t the mask issue itself. It’s about the lengths our school districts have gone to violate your rights by breaking the law. How can we trust the bodies which are supposed to be teaching our children about laws, when they use our tax dollars to break them? Friday was another bad day for these lawless school districts, but it shouldn’t be the last. Every official responsible for these egregious violations needs to be held accountable and none of them should be allowed to preside over educational decisions any longer. Of course, the other lawless government overreach which was brought to a halt on Friday was Biden’s vaccine mandate which is the quintessential...
- Abuse of power. When you look at what’s happened during the course of the pandemic, the one which rises above all others is that one. Government abuse of power. In our lifetime there’s not been an example as remarkable as the Biden administration's OSHA rule which mandates employees working for companies with 100 or more employees get vaccinated for COVID-19 or potentially get fired. That’s probably why all it took was a day before a federal judge put the brakes on the remarkable government overreach. The three-judge panel for the 5th Circuit US Court of Appeals said the following... Before the court is the petitioners’ emergency motion to stay enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s November 5, 2021 Emergency Temporary Standard (the “Mandate”) pending expedited judicial review. Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate, the Mandate is hereby STAYED pending further action by this court. Language matters and the ruling by the federal appeals court says it all. “Grave statutory and constitutional issues”. That’s what the Biden administration represents. A grave threat to our constitutional rights – in addition to tens of millions of careers. From our southern border to our workplace Joe Biden’s administration is full of “grave constitutional issues” which represent the most pervasive abuse of power against Americans we’ve witnessed in over 100 years. The better news is...
- The tide is turning. That’s true politically as was evidenced in last week’s elections. It’s true regarding our lawless school districts as all must drop their ongoing mask mandates without parental optouts. It’s true regarding the Biden administration's “grave constitutional” issues. During this pandemic the true colors of public officials have been on full display for all to see. Unfortunately, though predictably, many have chosen to abuse their power. The pendulum is rapidly swinging the other way. That’s true of the pandemic itself, what’s happening in the legal system and it’s true politically. You might call the pendulum swing a king tide. Just not the kind that floods streets.