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Florida COVID-19 Vaccination Update – November 11th, 2021
Bottom Line: Starting this week children five and older are eligible for vaccinations. While we await to see how many parents of young children opt for the newly authorized vaccinations, we have had numerous other changes over the past couple of weeks since my previous update. Boosters continue to be in highest demand of any COVID-19 vaccination type in our state. More Floridians are consistently obtaining COVID-19 booster shots, or a third dose, than are obtaining a first or a second dose combined. Last week over 207,000 Floridians obtained a booster compared to 51k receiving a second dose and about 49k who obtained a first dose. In total 1,359,985 Floridians have obtained a COVID-19 booster. As for those obtaining a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, we’re continuing to see most of them coming from the previously unvaccinated in the workforce. It’s clear the threat of the Biden administration's vaccine mandate along with the recently introduced OSHA rule have made an impact. While the current rule is stayed in federal court as legal challenges will determine whether it will lawfully be in force as of January 4th, we’ve seen many in the workforce who’d been on the fence opt for a vaccination as opposed to waiting.
COVID-19 vaccination rates continue to trend above the national average in Florida. Most Floridians at all age levels have been immunized with at least a first dose most recently. Florida’s overall vaccination rate stands at 69.7% of Florida’s total population with 73% of Florida’s vaccine eligible population over the age of 12. Florida currently ranks 21st overall among all states in COVID-19 vaccination rates, having moved down three spots over the past couple of weeks. Florida, having had the fewest population adjusted COVID-19 cases for three consecutive weeks, is likely playing a role.
Here’s an updated look at completed vaccination rates by age:
- 12-19: 56%
- 20-29: 55%
- 30-39: 65%
- 40-49: 73%
- 50-59: 78%
- 60-64: 85%
- 65+: 90%
Something I’ve been tracking is the potential impact of the Biden vaccine mandate on Florida’s workforce should the OSHA rule stand and become enforceable in January. About 74% of Florida’s workforce would be impacted. As of today, approximately 71% of Florida’s workforce has been vaccinated. That leaves approximately 532,000 Floridians currently in the crosshairs of the mandate. Next week Florida convenes a special session which will address the employees potentially in the crosshairs of the vaccine mandates. To be continued.