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Top Three Takeaways – November 10th, 2021
- Short end of the stick. There’s no question we’re getting it in Florida. Among my greatest frustrations in life, two consistently rise above the rest. Intellectual dishonesty and people who are elected to represent our interests who suck at their jobs. There are numerous issues with which these two issues have been present recently. Take for example South Florida’s school districts. The school districts run by elected school board officials who illegally violated the rights of every parent and every student they’re elected to represent for months to start this school year. It’s hard to suck much more than being elected to represent people and then unlawfully stealing their rights- but make no mistake that’s exactly what the Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach County School Districts did. And they’ve only relented after having three separate legal judgements all finding the school districts in violation. As for intellectual dishonesty... The school districts have conveniently danced around the fact that they’ve been breaking the law, as opposed to teaching our children laws, for months now. Instead talking about their “health experts” suggesting it’s now safe to abide by the law. The districts use and citation of alleged “health experts” is also intellectually dishonest. The very rule backed by the law that the school districts were challenging was created by the preeminent health authority in the state of Florida, the Florida Department of Health and was implemented by the premier education authority in the state of Florida, the Florida Department of Education. These school districts have been as disingenuous as they have been unlawful in their punitive actions against parents and students. So yeah, as far as the public education we all pay for in South Florida – we've gotten the short end of the stick and then some...but there’s more on its way because of...
- Florida’s Democrat Delegation in Congress. They all voted for the so-called bi-partisan infrastructure bill. The least they could have done is advocate for their constituents within it. In today’s Q&A I illustrate just how significant the shaft is that Florida’s getting based on our state’s size and the percentage of federal tax revenue we account for. Here’s the summation of it. We literally should have been allocated greater than four times, that’s 400% more within the bill, than we were just for Florida to be delivered its fair share of federally allocated resources. That takes me back to the point about people elected to represent others who suck at their jobs, in addition to being intellectually dishonest. Disagreeing along ideological lines is one thing, however having every Florida elected Democrat literally voting to sellout our state and their constituents is another. There is zero excuse, zero, for Florida’s Democrat’s not demanding equitable representation in exchange for their votes. Whether they’re lazy, incompetent or both, know that they voted to take your tax dollars and send them to projects in other states. There are a myriad of quotes I could select from the congressional sellouts to illustrate the intellectual dishonesty, but I’ve chosen a succinct one from Lois Frankel. “This is a big win for our state”. She, and the rest of the delegation just expect you to be stupid, or at a minimum ignorant. If you asked a cashier for change for a dollar and got back 24 cents, would you call that a “big win for you”? According to Frankel’s logic that was. That’s how much Florida’s Democrats have hosed us.
- 2nd wave of inflation. Remember the whole first half of the year when the word “transitory” was on the tip every Biden administration officials' tongue anytime inflation came up? As we knew then they were full of it, and now all these months later as the most recent inflation report showed the worst consumer price inflation in 30 years, we’re now hearing about a 2nd wave from these same economists. The 2nd wave isn't about the pandemic – it's about the non-transitory inflation. So yesterday we learned that life costs us 6.2% more today than it did a year ago and that the average American, adjusting for wage gains, has fallen behind financially by 1.2% this year...but wait there’s more. As in what’s now being called a “2nd wave of inflation”. Now you might be surprised to know the first wave had apparently ended, so we can really feel good about the prospects of what a 2nd wave might bring. Elections have consequences. All of them. From our school boards to Florida’s Democrat delegation in Congress to the President of the United States. They’ve all sucked at their jobs and have operated with intellectual dishonestly. We’ve got to do better at the polls next time. We literally can’t afford not to and have fun riding the wave until then.