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Top Three Takeaways – November 17th, 2021
- 425,000. That’s how many border crossers granted entry into this country have had COVID-19 this year. Incredible, isn’t it? We’ve allowed 425,000 new cases of COVID-19 to come across our southern border. And those are just the ones we’ve known about. Yesterday in my conversation with Mark Morgan, the Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection under President Trump, he said his sources have indicated approximately a quarter of all migrants allowed to cross our southern border this year have had COVID-19. A quarter! And given that over 1.7 million known migrants have come across our southern border this year, a number greater than the population of ten states, we have approximately 425,000 COVID-19 positive migrants who’ve been allowed to enter the United States this year under the Biden administration...and counting. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg in terms of impact. The R0, or number of persons infected by the average person who’s contracted COVID-19 since the onset of the variants, is 6.5. Many have wondered how much of the summer surge of COVID-19 cases could be attributable to migrants crossing Biden’s open border (who are subsequently sent across the country to states like ours using your tax dollars to do it). The answer is a lot. Using Morgan’s data with the current R0 infection rate, an estimated 2,762,500 cases of COVID-19 in the United States can be attributed to migrants under Biden’s reckless border policy. For perspective, there are only three states in the country that have had that many total cases since the onset of the pandemic. The president who vowed to bring an end to the pandemic has used your tax dollars to infect millions of Americans with COVID-19. And it’s still happening every minute of every day. Meanwhile in Florida, aside from the COVID-19 positive illegal immigrants who’re flown here at night...
- 500 pages of a bureaucracy run amok. That was Governor DeSantis’s characterization of the OSHA vaccine mandate rule which is a focal point of this week’s special Legislative Session. He also made mention of something which I’ve repeatedly highlighted since the text of the bills being considered were made available. Natural Immunity. Quoting the governor... They don’t recognize core scientific facts like immunity conferred by prior infection. And they explicitly say that somebody who has recovered from COVID does not have protection, when we know that’s not true. It still strikes me as odd that the state legislature is currently in the process of recognizing natural immunity in lieu of a COVID-19 vaccination and it’s not seemingly generating any news interest, but that remains the case. Should the legislation pass as currently written, the Florida Department of Health will determine a credible lab test standard for natural immunity which would be recognized as being equitable to being fully vaccinated for COVID-19 in Florida. Nearly 3.5 million Floridians have recovered from COVID-19, so standby. DeSantis also summed up the impetus behind the session with this statement: I never thought we’d get to the point in this country where people were going to be denied an ability to earn a living potentially based on a COVID shot. Who did, right? But now, remarkably...
- It’s a partisan issue. Democrats want people to get fired if they don’t get injected with what they want them injected with and Republicans are trying to stop that from happening. This while Democrats support using your tax dollars to allow illegal immigrants with COVID-19 to come across our border who they then to send to us. That’s what our society has come to. If you illegally come across the border with COVID-19 - you can get a free ride to Florida with more taxpayer provided goodies to take care of you once you get here. If you’re one of those taxpayers, like a career first responder in Florida who doesn’t want to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination, they want to end your career. What’s the difference between the Democrat’s policy and Marxism again? It’s amoral and it’s indefensible. From the Democrats in Tallahassee fighting the Republican effort to protect Floridians in the workforce from the Biden administration, to the Democrats in Washington who’re propping up this administration...their actions are amoral and indefensible. It’s their political careers which need to come to an end as opposed to the taxpayers they’re attempting to end the careers of.