Biden’s The Biggest Threat to Democracy & Meta’s Election Interference

Biden’s The Biggest Threat to Democracy & Meta’s Election Interference - Top 3 Takeaways – April 3rd, 2024  

  1. Biden a bigger threat to democracy than Donald Trump. That’s the word being delivered from a lifelong Democrat from the most prominent family in Democrat Party politics. Democrat turned independent candidate for President RFK Jr. first issued that statement on CNN when he told Erin Burnett (when asked who the bigger threat to democracy is Trump or Biden) I can make the argument that President Biden is the much worse threat to democracy, and the reason for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history – the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, so to censor his opponent. As it turned out he was just getting started. Yesterday while on Fox News he said this... President Biden has done something that no other president in history has done, which is to order media, particularly social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google to censor his political opponents. If you have a president who can censor his political opponents, he is the license for any kind of atrocity, that is a genuine threat to our democracy. What Trump said about… questioning the election and… to the extent that he engaged… in an effort to overthrow that, of course, that's a threat to democracy, but it is not the worst threat undermining the First Amendment of our Constitution and then weaponizing the federal agencies, to get his opponents off the ballot. I’ve reported on what RFK Jr. can decide...but as you might imagine, the intolerant left is losing it over RFK’s having said it. So much so that ABC News is now giving RFK Jr. the Trump treatment. Just as legacy news outlets have commonly trotted out Mary Trump, a niece of the former president, to speak out against the former president (which is actually hilarious in its own way, because in Donald Trump’s large family, which included former wives, the closest family member they could find to speak out against him was a niece – which in and of itself speaks volumes) RFK is getting the anti-family media treatment...using his sister Rory. Good Morning America brought Rory Kennedy on to say I think this election is going to come down to a handful of votes in a handful of states and I am concerned that voting for Bobby is going to take votes away from Biden and lead to a Trump election and I'm very concerned what that will do to our country and to the world over the ensuing four years. I see, so there’s no concern regarding what another four years of Joe Biden as president would do? Ya know because the first three years have gone so swimmingly for this country and for the world? Literally the only countries better off today than the day that Joe Biden became president are China, Russia, Venezuela, North Korea and all of the OPEC nations including Iran. There is one non-bad actor that’s doing better - its India (but even that has a Russian tie to it – they're processing Russia’s oil that’s being imported into the US). Here at home the average American is 3% worse off financially than when Biden became president and significantly less safe with crime rates having risen to the highest levels nationally in nearly 30-years driven in large part by illegal immigration facilitated by the Biden administration and shipped into our communities, at our expense by the Biden administration - and none more so than Florida. So yeah, RFK Jr. has a point, in multiple ways Biden has been shown to be “the bigger threat to democracy” ...but back to who RFK Jr. fingered as Biden’s partner in crime.  
  2. Meta’s election interference. Facebook and Instagram’s parent Meta is actively engaged in an election interference campaign. Unlike 2020, however, this one has been quickly exposed. I first brought you the story of how Meta was once again changing the way news/political content would be handled on their platforms last week - just in time for the 2024 presidential election cycle. Now I have enough data to illustrate the impact. Here’s the refresh on what Meta quietly did to limit the reach of political speech on its platforms. Without telling users, updates to Meta’s social media platforms created a “political content” section in “settings” that Meta automatically opted every user out of. By doing this, what Meta’s platforms determine to be political speech are no longer featured in users' feeds...that is except those who learned of this and have manually gone into their settings to turn off the censoring feature. Now, aside from the inherent dishonesty associated with not presenting users directly with a choice as to whether they wanted to opt into their new censorship feature...there’s also the question about who is being censored. For example, is it possible that only what they determined to be right-leaning or conservative political speech is detected by the platform algorithms and censored? It most certainly is. Is that what’s happening? I don’t know, but what I do know...  
  3. Is the extent to which I’ve been censored. The most illustrative example of this are my Instagram reels. As recently as two months ago I had a Reel with over 1.3 million views. The largest number of people I’ve reached since Meta enacted their new censorship policy is...7,100 people. I’ve now posted 17 videos to Instagram since the new censorship policy went into place. What was the average reach of the 17 preceding videos prior to Meta’s censorship policy...? 89,200 people (that does not include the reel with over 1.3 million views – it’s a true average of regular engagement)... How about the average of the 17 I’ve posted since? 2,250 people. That’s right, my daily reach on Meta’s platforms has been reduced by nearly 40x, or to put it another way, my reach is only about 2.5% of what it was prior to Meta’s 2024 Election Interference Campaign. And to RFK Jr.’s point, I guess the only question is whether Joe Biden’s administration ordered this election interference campaign or whether Mark Zuckerburg & co. have been so conditioned by the Biden administration to censor political speech they don’t agree with, that they opted to do so proactively. So yeah – I’d say that the biggest threat to democracy is clear and RFK Jr. is exactly right. At the point where the President of the United States is colluding with big tech companies to censor the speech of Americans – what rights aren’t being threatened? And if this is what Biden & co. have already done during his first three years in office, what’s to come if he were to get another four? Joe Biden's actions are a threat to our Representative Republic. Meta's are too.   

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