Joe Biden’s Illegal Immigration Operation - Top 3 Takeaways

Joe Biden’s Illegal Immigration Operation - Top 3 Takeaways – April 4th, 2024  

  1. It’s worse than we knew. Just when you think the illegal immigration crisis can’t get any is. It has been worse, and we’re just now learning about it. And... the only reason we’re now learning about it is due once again to the incredible investigative journalism of Todd Bensman from the Center for Immigration Studies. It was on Monday that I brought this to your attention... A new analysis from the Center for Immigration Studies tracking the Biden Administration's migrant relocation program, which relocates processed illegal immigrants crossing the southern border. It shows Florida continues to be the top destination. Since the start of the government’s current fiscal year in October, over 326,000 “undocumented persons” were flown into Florida by the Biden administration, the most of any state in the country. It was only yesterday, in talking with Todd Bensman that I fully understood what is and has been happening. Here’s the deal. Actually first, before I tell you what’s going on, what’s the worst, most underhanded way you could envision the Biden administration facilitating illegal immigration into the United States? Do you have that thought handy? Ok, try this one on for size. We’re flying them directly into the United States from apparently wherever they want to come from. That’s right, previously illegal immigrants abusing Biden’s open border and our asylum system would have to at least make their way to our border before they could say the magic words that would then lead to the Biden administration busing or flying them to a location near you. Nope, that’s no longer needed. And apparently it hasn’t been since at least last October. As Bensman has uncovered, the Biden administration has created a website for foreign nationals who want to declare asylum in the United States to book airfare directly to their location of choice within the United States. No long treks through Mexico. No drug cartels to navigate. Just direct access into our country’s interior for seemingly anyone and everyone who learns of this and wants to take advantage of it. And where is it that these illegal immigrants from around the world are mostly being flown into?  
  2. You guessed it Florida. According to the CIS findings a total of 87% of these illegal migrant flights have been into Florida. When this report first dropped on Monday, I thought these covert flights were similar to what we had previously exposed. Illegal immigrants who’d already crossed the border, had been processed by Border Patrol and then sent without the knowledge of state or local officials into our state. What we’re now experiencing is a whole new level of lawlessness that Todd said he didn’t believe any state officials in Florida or elsewhere had been aware of. In fact, CIS still doesn’t have the entire story. Quoting Bensman: CIS began seeking airport locations at home, plus foreign departure airport locations, early last year in a FOIA request. The administration has declined, citing law enforcement exceptions. CIS has sued on grounds that the government violated the Freedom of Information Act. The information would be a matter of strong public interest to city leaderships, lawmakers, and voting publics to press for better planning of budgets and resources for those who might show up this way, or perhaps to demand redress from it — or demand that federal officials reduce or cease entirely the flight authorizations. As for the foreign departure airports, transparency would provide visibility into who the government is actually approving for these flights, enabling reporters and advocates to interview participants abroad about their circumstances and the government’s application processes before the beneficiaries are lost amid general air traffic. Administration lawyers refuse to identify those U.S. airports or the foreign departure airports on law enforcement protection grounds that the flights program has so strained security staffing that is has created security vulnerabilities that “bad actors” could exploit if they knew where to go. CIS disputes that contention. “It seems illogical and impractical that CBP would implement a program that admittedly caused staffing vulnerabilities at ports of entry," said Colin Farnsworth, the Center's chief FOIA counsel. "And instead of fixing those vulnerabilities to prevent exploitation by bad actors, CBP embraced those vulnerabilities to justify withholding information from the American public." And why exactly is this happening?  
  3. 1) Clearly because Joe Biden’s intention is to create as open of a border as there can possibility be. A border so open that the illegal immigrants don’t even have to arrive at it...they can fly straight over it. 2) Because they know the optics of the southern border crisis are a political liability. By flying illegal immigrants straight into this country, they can achieve their lawless anti-American policy objective without all of the potentially damaging optics that go along with it. And as for what happens with the illegal immigrants once they get here... Well, according to Bensman, that’s the same as ever before. There are commonly two priorities. Finding an opportunity to work and/or getting on government assistance programs. And as for the cost to the rest of us... As I’ve illustrated using government data...the average net financial impact of each illegal immigrant is a taxpayer cost of $68,000. Non-citizens commit crimes at a rate that’s 914% higher than citizens and are responsible for 24% of all drug trafficking, 25% of all property crimes, and 28% of all fraud. Aside from being at greater risk of being a victim of crime, each and every federal taxpayer is now paying $1,156 annually to facilitate it. This is what Joe Biden has already done to us. Just imagine what comes next.  

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