Iran, Israel & Joe Biden’s Two-Faced Solution - Top 3 Takeaways

Iran, Israel & Joe Biden’s Two-Faced Solution - Top 3 Takeaways – April 15th, 2024  

  1. Every day that Joe Biden is President of the United States the world is less safe. Every day that Donald Trump was President of the United States the world was a safer place. There are two sides to stories and one side to facts. Those are the facts. It’s demonstrable. Does this weekend’s direct attack by Iran on Israel happen if Donald Trump is President of the United States? Of course not. On Friday, when guest hosting for Mark Levin and in anticipation of the Iranian attack on Israel which had become widely reported, I posed these questions... We’ve learned that the United States has pledged to defend Israel if (a direct Iranian attack on Israel) happens. What exactly does that mean? At best it’s a bluff with Iran continuing to use proxies to carry out the evil they do. At worst it’s what? Biblical? If Iran really does directly attack Israel A) What does that mean and what does that look like? B) How successful could they potentially be? C) If the United States steps in directly, are we looking at World War III? Iran is not just Iran. Iran is China. Iran is Russia. Iran is Little Rocket Man in North Korea. Iran is Cuba. Iran is Venezuela. Iran is Nicaragua. And perhaps you’ve noticed a trend with these new axis countries. They’re all bad actors who’ve be acting especially and progressively badly since Joe Biden became President of the United States. Unfortunately, this was all predictable from the moment Biden showed his weakness on the world stage with the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan. After hearing about the potentially imminent attack on Israel by Iran I went back to my notes from that day in 2021. What I said then, two and half years ago, is as relevant today as it was that day... Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue of the past four decades. Well, that streaks’ intact. The words of Obama's Secretary of Defense Robert Gates ring true once again. After all, should we really have expected the only Obama cabinet member opposed to the raid that took out Osama Bin Laden to suddenly start making better decisions? In the wake of yesterday’s terror attack I want you to think about what’s happened here in practical terms for most of us. Prior to a few weeks ago when was the last time you thought about the Taliban? 15, maybe close to 20 years ago? Prior to a few weeks ago when was the last time you thought about Al Qaeda? It would have been when Bin Laden was taken out over ten years ago. Prior to this week when was the last time you worried about ISIS? It’s been about four years when Trump finished “bombing the **** out of them”, right? And notice how when the US took out the Taliban and Al Qaeda, their terror attacks on Americans stopped? And did you notice when Trump bombed the blank out of ISIS the terror attacks stopped here too? All it’s taken is a few months of misguided policy and incompetent leadership and we’ve unnecessarily lost thirteen American heroes and have untold hundreds (perhaps more?), of Americans trapped behind enemy lines. Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue of the past four decades, only now he has the power to make the entire world less safe and that’s exactly what he’s done in addition to destroying the US’s credibility around the world and...All in just a matter of months. Every world superpower has fallen. We’re ignorant and we’ve learned nothing from history if we aren’t aware of what’s currently at stake - especially with China standing as the superpower set to supplant us. My expectations for the Biden Administration were low. I was genuinely the most concerned for our country that I’ve been in my lifetime when Joe Biden became president. He’s managed to be far worse than I’d envisioned. In his address yesterday he stated: We will hunt down everyone who perpetrated the attack. (Did that ever happen btw? - The answer is no. I checked in with folks involved with the Pineapple Express, the mission Patriots took on to rescue Americans caught behind enemy lines that Biden abandoned and was told repeatedly that no action was ever taken by the Biden Administration to track and to take out those responsible). However, if he were to address everyone responsible for the attack, he’d start by resigning. From our southern border to Afghanistan this country and this world is a less safe place because Joe Biden is President of the United States. Joe Biden isn’t competent enough to be the president of an HOA, let alone the United States. But he is because a dishonest news media didn’t properly vet him and too many Americans take our freedom and safety for granted. May God help us all and please pray for the fallen and those in harm's way. That’s just all there is to it. It’s important that we control what we can control. It starts with engagement in politics at every level. Every election. Again, that was August 27th, 2021. And what’s happened since? Russia invaded Ukraine. China completed the takeover of Hong Kong – turning their sights on Taiwan and the Philippines. Hamas carried out the largest attack on Jews since the Holocaust bringing about the Israel-Hamas war and recently we saw that ISIS has regained the size and strength to carry out a highly sophisticated terrorist attack claiming the lives of at least 137 innocent people in Moscow. And now you can add to that list... 
  2. Iran directly attacking Israel opening up a new era of worldwide insecurity. The people who chant “Death to Israel, Death to America” in their government meetings, have directly attempted to carry out death to Israel. Now I entitled my story Joe Biden’s two-faced solution for a reason. The good news is that this weekend’s attack by Iran on Israel complete with over 300 suicide drones and rockets sent into northern, central and southern Israel was almost completely intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome, the Israeli Airforce, the Jordanian Airforce, the United States and England. That was good. So, to were statements from President Biden like the United States’ commitment to Israel is “ironclad”. Here’s what isn’t. Everything he says behind the scenes. As reported by Jerusalem based-news outlet The Scroll, immediately after Saturday’s attack, here’s what the other hand of the Biden administration was doing: Iran appears to have pre-cleared the attacks with the United States via the Oman diplomatic backchannel. And according to Roi Kais of Israel’s Kan News, a U.S. official told Saudi Arabia’s Al-Arabiya on Friday, “the United States will take part in the response to the Iranian response if Tehran escalates the situation inappropriately”—which means that the United States tacitly approved an appropriate level of Iranian escalation, such as, we don’t know, a “symbolic” drone-and-missile attack. The United States has also, as Barack Ravid reported Friday, demanded to “have a say before decisions are made about any retaliation by Israel.” Pair that with the series of comments on Saturday from top U.S. officials reiterating their ironclad commitment to Israel’s defense against Iran, and you get a sense of what’s really going on here. The United States has now set itself in between Israel and Iran. On paper, it is “equidistant” between the two parties, and its rhetoric will even emphasize its ironclad commitment to the defense of Israel. But it also demands info on what the Israelis plan to hit, and tells them whether or not they can hit it. So, in fact, the United States isn’t equidistant at all. It’s Tehran’s bagman/lawyer/errand boy. That’s what gets telegraphed to everyone in the region, too. Isn’t that special? We can make it complicated, but we don’t need to.  
  3. If Donald Trump is President of the United States, is this happening? The answer is clearly no. Afghanistan wouldn’t have collapsed to terrorists once again. Russia wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine. China wouldn’t be allowed to consolidate and threaten sovereign countries with takeovers. If Hamas had been dumb enough to try to attack Israel, they’d have been immediately dropped into the dust bin of history. And now this. The world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism directly attacks Israel with, by all accounts, what appears to have been the Biden Administration's consent. Everyday that Joe Biden is President of the United States the world is less safe. January 20th of next year is a long way away. And meanwhile a desperate and corrupt left is busy attempting to take out the man who did and can again restore relative peace and sanity to the world with a Stormy Freaking Daniels hush money trial. Back to what I mentioned about superpowers falling. In historical hindsight it’s so easy to look back and see the moments where what are obviously stupid decisions were made by the fallen powers and think why in the world would they ever have done that? Then think about the current state of affairs in this country right now. We’re teetering on the brink of World War III because the country was ignorant enough to elect Joe Biden President of the United States...and then upon the obvious realization about what a dumpster fire of a leader he has been, both for our country and for stability around the world, federal and state governments attempt to take out the leader who can fix this with trials as stupid as Stormy Daniels hush money from eight years ago? This is what this country has been reduced to? Voters will decide this November if the United States of America has peaked and will begin to fall as all other superpowers before our country have (and everything that goes along with that for all of us in the years to come), or if when on the brink of falling off that ledge we course corrected unlike those before us have done. On Friday at Mar-a-Lago Donald Trump said this year’s election is the most important in American history. He just might be right. 

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