Joe Biden Thinks You’re Stupid - Top 3 Takeaways – June 5th, 2024

Joe Biden Thinks You’re Stupid - Top 3 Takeaways – June 5th, 2024     

  1. So yeah, Joe Biden thinks you’re stupid. I have two asks when it comes to political discourse. Intellectual honesty and honest debate. I’ve never known a politician I’ve agreed with 100% of the time. I’m sure there will never be a politician I agree with 100% of the time. In fact, if I were the politician there’s a really good chance that me in ten years wouldn’t agree 100% with me today. That’s all part of being a learning, thinking and growing person on this planet. That is to say this. It’s to be expected that we’ll have disagreements with politicians on issues that matter to us. It’s to be expected that there will be big policy differences on important issues when the politician is from a political party that isn’t yours. But it’s never too much to ask for intellectual honesty and honest debate. That is the minimum any of us deserve from those who are elected to represent our interests. Unfortunately, it’s in short supply from the highest office these days. Some say Joe Biden is the worst president in the history of the United States (I can make solid cases for Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson, FDR and Jimmy Carter). But I do believe that when it comes to intellectual honesty and honest debate, he is undoubtedly the worst (which is saying something considering we’ve had a president who told us point blank that “he did not have sexual relations with that woman”. Andrew Jackson flat out told the Native Americans he was kicking them off of their land. There was no pretense. Ditto Woodrow Wilson ushering in an era of progressivism in American society – it was known as Wilsonianism. FDR was crystal clear that he was introducing socialism into American society with The New Deal. Captain Peanut was just Captain Peanut. He just wasn’t up to the job. But Joe Biden is different. 
  2. He lies with impunity, and he thinks you’re so stupid you don’t know it. While Donald Trump was president 458 miles of border wall were constructed along the southern border with Mexico and with his implementation of the Remain in Mexico policy, he assured that those seeking to abuse the asylum system to illegally enter the United States (which is 97% of border crossers) stayed in Mexico. By the last year of his administration, after fighting through a myriad of legal challenges to his efforts to stem the tide of illegal immigration into this country, Donald Trump had ended the southern border crisis. Then came Joe. On Joe Biden’s first day in office, he signed executive orders ending President Trump’s Remain in Mexico Policy and ending the construction of the border wall. In fact, Biden was so determined to end the border wall immediately that he’s paid out over $5 billion in taxpayer funds to end the construction of the wall. Joe Biden wanted an open border and he did everything within his power as president to have an open border starting as soon as he stepped in the Oval Office. As recently as January President Biden said that he lacked the authority to end the current border crisis through executive orders. The very border crisis he created through executive orders mind you. Quoting Biden at the time: A bipartisan bill would give me as president, the emergency authority to shut down the border until it could get back under control. If that bill were the law today, I’d shut down the border right now and fix it quickly. But yesterday, magically, he found that he was able to use executive action to address the southern border crisis – conveniently enough exactly 5 months away from Election Day as illegal immigration has become a top issue for voters. But even then, when President Biden put paper to pen, he didn’t really attempt to stop the southern border crisis. Question. How many people do you think should be illegally allowed into this country per day before you’d consider it a problem? That question is really an oxymoron, right? But in Joe Biden’s America the answer is 2,500. In the executive order President Biden signed yesterday southern border crossers will be capped at 2,500 per day, a number that if annualized would still allow for nearly a million new illegal immigrants per year. But even that is only in between ports of entry...there’s no daily limit at ports of entry and also unaccompanied minors are exempt in addition to those deemed to have emergency medical needs (because of course the Border Patrol is supposed to be able to determine the medical status of illegal border crossers). It’s a farce. Right on cue Biden’s dishonest lemmings in the news media reported what he wanted them to. Headline from NBC News: Biden signs executive order shutting down southern border. Ahh yes, it’s of course not just the president but the news media that’s just as dishonest as the president is too. In the White House Memo for yesterday’s executive order it states: President Biden believes we must secure our border. They just happened to leave out that he believes we must secure our border after we let about a million illegal immigrants in annually – not including those coming through ports of entry, or children, or those with medical needs or those who avoid checkpoints and those who evade authorities of course. Joe Biden thinks you’re stupid. And if you vote for him what does that make you? 
  3. The Californians are still coming. Meanwhile, back to legal migration for a moment. The Californians are still coming to Florida. According to a new Consumer Affairs 2024 Migration Trends report year-to-date Florida is number three nationally in net migration (just behind the Carolinas at one and two) and the biggest losers continue to be California, New York and New Jersey. But California far and away is the biggest loser in net migration by legal citizens so far this year with nearly 10,500 fewer citizens than they started the year with. And where are they going? Florida is still the top destination for those fleeing from Gavin Newsom’s once golden state. 

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