Joe Biden’s Role In a 12-Year-Old's Rape, Murder & Torture & Debate Juicing

Joe Biden’s Responsibility For a 12-Year-Old's Rape, Murder & Torture & Debate Juicing - Top 3 Takeaways – June 26th, 2024     

  1. Joe Biden is responsible for the rape, torture and murder of Jocelyn Nungaray. Jocelyn Nungaray is far from being the first rape and murder victim who’d be alive and well today if Joe Biden wasn’t President of the United States, but she is the latest. Yesterday prosecutors presented their current body of evidence in the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray. It was as horrific as it gets. An innocent 12-year-old girl was kidnapped, raped and tortured for hours prior to be strangled to death by two Venezuelan illegal immigrants. As was noted by KPRC: Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, and Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, are accused of bounding Nungaray's hands behind her back and stripping her naked during the brutal assault before strangling her to death and dumping her body in a Houston bayou. And how exactly were these evil illegal immigrants presented with the opportunity to commit this horrific crime? By the day 1 executive order of Joe Biden. Here’s what we know about these illegal a—holes. ICE has confirmed that both were recently processed and released by Customs and Border Patrol. Johan Martinez was taken into custody by Border Patrol on March 14th after having crossed the border near El Paso. That same day he was ordered released by DHS with a notice to appear. Similarly on May 28th Franklin Ramos was taken into custody by Border Patrol and ordered released by DHS the same day with a notice to appear.  
  2. Where they decided to appear was in Houston, Texas where they harassed women and claimed their eventual victim. As reported by KHOU: One woman who lives in the complex with her 14-year-old daughter was shaken up by the fact the accused killers lived so close. "It could have been my child, you know, it's very emotional," she told us. The woman, who asked us not to use her name, said Peña and Martinez moved in a few weeks earlier. Other residents told us the men often sat on their balcony and yelled things at women who passed by. As I noted on May 8th, following the raping of an 11-year-old girl in Palm Beach County at the hands of a 20-year-old illegal immigrant from Guatemala... It was in mid-March when PBSO arrested three illegal immigrants, faux asylum seekers, who horrifically kidnapped and raped a woman in their vehicle near John Prince Park. When will enough be enough? As I’ve evidenced, the average “non-citizen” in this country is 914% more likely to commit a crime than a legal citizen and they cost us $1,154 per federal taxpayer per year to allow in. How insane is it for each taxpayer to be forced by the government to pay $1,154 more in taxes annually to become over 9 times more likely to be a victim of crime? The more border crossers brought to our communities the more crimes we’re going to have and the higher the tax bill we’re paying to have them here. The higher the inflation rate is and will continue to be. Also, the illegal immigrants don’t ask victims if they voted for Joe Biden, or in the case of children, if they would, before victimizing them. When will enough be enough that Democrats stand up for their interests, let alone that of their neighbors and demand an end to the evil that Joe Biden is bringing to our doorstep? In the words of Sheriff Bradshaw – the federal government is victimizing the people who live in this country by letting these people in here. At any time, Joe Biden could reinstate President Trump’s Remain in Mexico Policy ending the madness at the southern border. At any time, he could end his illegal immigrant flight operation into this country as well. Everyday it’s a choice not to. Everyday Democrats choose not to put pressure on him to change his policy is also a choice – which means it’s a choice to continue to make our country and our community less safe. That’s all as true today as it was on May 8th. The difference is that had Joe Biden reinstated President Trump’s Remain in Mexico Policy on May 8th at least one of the two illegal immigrants responsible for the horrific kidnapping, rape, torture and murder of an innocent 12-year-old girl would never have been allowed in this country...meaning that there’s at least a 50% chance Jocelyn would be alive and well today. But here’s the more instructive point. We can’t undo the evil that’s already been done. But we, or I should say, Joe Biden, can stop every one of the thousands of illegal immigrants coming into the country today, and every day, this way. Which means it’s still a choice every single day to create future victims like Jocelyn. Every day that Joe Biden is President of the United States we’re all less safe. Speaking of Biden... 
  3. Is he juiced? Joe Biden in the day-to-day, Joe Biden on a big stage (like the State of the Union Address). For years now we’ve seen that one of these people is not like the other. Going back to at least the previous presidential debate in 2020 there’s been a noticeable difference between Joe Biden’s day-to-day performance in getting through life and what happens when he seemingly comes to life during a State of the Union Address or on a debate stage. Is it possible that ‘ole Joe is just a clutch kind of player who’s able to still rally to rise to the biggest moments he has in the public eye? Yes, it’s at least possible. Does it seem likely? I’ll ask the question and let you decide. As for the former president he’s been clear for quite some time. He believes Biden’s been juicing for the big stage. And by juicing I’m of course not talking about a liquid fruit and veggie diet. Anyway, in advance of Thursday night’s first debate Trump has issued the challenge. In a Truth Social Post he said: DRUG TEST FOR CROOKED JOE BIDEN??? "I WOULD, ALSO, IMMEDIATELY AGREE TO ONE!!!" But Trump shouldn’t hold his breath. After all the only reason we’re having this or potentially another presidential debate is because he said he’d debate Joe Biden anywhere, anytime and anyplace. To which team Biden said great! Then the time will be before the political conventions, the place will be Biden-friendly network CNN and the where will be in Atlanta with two CNN debate moderators who’ve both gone on-air comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. Speaking of Hitler, it’s well known that throughout the course of his evil reign he was on the juice...and Nazi soldiers too – the Blitzkrieg was backed methamphetamines. Will that be the case with President Biden’s debate ramblings? I don’t know. But we know that Hunter’s got the hook up. 

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