Trump’s Unity Speech, Presidential Contrast & Panic at the Disco

Trump’s Unity Speech, Presidential Contrast & Panic at the Disco – Top 3 Takeaways – July 19th, 2024     

  1. The contrast has never been clearer. President Biden likes telling interviewers who question him about his age and mental acuity these days that Donald Trump is only three years younger. And unlike many things President Biden says, that is true. Trump is clearly no spring chicken. He looks older than he did eight years ago (we all do). He doesn’t hear quite as well as he did eight years ago (that’s independent of being shot in the ear). But he’s every bit as passionate about the mission as eight years ago and that is crystal clear. What else is clear is that the contrast between the current and former (and future) President of the United States has never been clearer. While President Biden appears to be battling dementia, and now COVID, that’s once again pulled him off of the campaign trail (which actually may be a blessing for his campaign in disguise – any excuse to keep him out of the public eye for a while is probably a win for his campaign at this point); President Trump who’s been indicted time and again, prosecuted time and again, had tainted judges and juries in New York rule against him time and again and who now has been shot having only six days ago survived an assassination attempt against him – leads on as only he could do. Trump is a unique figure in American history, not just because he went from having no political history to the presidency, but because Americans have watched him in some capacity for most of his life. Having been in the public eye since the late 70’s, his life’s enormous ups and downs have all played out before our eyes. Betting big on rebuilding Manhattan real estate while creating his own brand built a billionaire. Betting big on casinos in New Jersey led to bankruptcy. Getting back to his core competency in developing real estate led to a world-wide real-estate empire and leveraging his personal brand brought him superstardom. His relatively brief political career has been similar in having done the previously unthinkable going from political novice to GOP nominee to the presidency. And not just any presidency but one that led to record low unemployment and record high prosperity for Americans of every demographic. One that was only undone by the effects of a worldwide pandemic. What’s followed has been three years of a Democrat Party so scared of this man that they’ve done everything they could possibly do to try to stop him. But here he stands. It was somewhat ironically Abraham Lincoln who said,  
  2. “If you have never failed, you have never lived”. Just like Lincoln, Trump has had enormous successes and enormous failures. But just like Lincoln, every time he bounced back, his successes were greater than ever before. As he said last night: Together, we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, color and creed. The discord and division in our society must be healed. We must heal it quickly. As Americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny. We rise together. Or we fall apart. I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America. So tonight, with faith and devotion, I proudly accept your nomination for president of the United States. Thank you. Thank you very much. Our resolve is unbroken and our purpose is unchanged, to deliver a government that serves the American people better than ever before. Nothing will stop me in this mission, because our vision is righteous and our cause is pure. It was a 90-minute speech – it’s impossible to selectively do it justice but here’s my takeaway. All throughout this week, following the assignation attempt, I’ve heard that Donald Trump is genuinely committed to greater unity in this country. His speech last night was evidence of it. He struck a consistently different tone than we’ve heard before while still holding true to his beliefs and still having his moments a la comparing the illegal immigration crisis to The Silence of the Lambs and “the late great Hannibal Lecter”. With the Republican nomination for President once again officially in hand, the stage is set, and Donald Trump is positioned for his greatest success yet. The one where he finishes what he started in setting this country on the course to be great again. Meanwhile...there’s... 
  3. Panic at the Disco. The easy go to here on a Friday would be Queen. There’s no doubt that team Biden is Under Pressure – whether Joe really knows – what’s up or not. But the fact of the matter is that President Biden and his merry band DEI misfits have been under intense pressure for three weeks now since Joe Biden all but said who am I, where am I and why am I here on the debate stage. Over the weekend it appeared that a presidential assignation attempt may have been enough of a distraction to pull Joe through but no, not even a week later every leftist news outlet is citing not 1, not 2, not 3 but at least 4 sources saying that everyone from the Morning Schmo to the Big O’ are now calling for Dementia Joe to go. No, this is no longer just a pressure campaign, there’s full fledge Panic! at the Disco in the Democrat Party. The last we heard yesterday Biden was using his COVID-isolation as a time to reflect on whether he’ll stay in the campaign. The left has High Hopes this weekend will be the weekend they push Bernie overboard. I started my takeaways today by suggesting that the contrast has never been clearer and that’s very much the case. A Republican Party stands united following an incredible convention and an unprecedented week for the Republican Party. The Democrat Party is in full fledge panic as we’re only three and a half months away from Election Day and they’re trying harder than ever to throw their nominee, the sitting President, overboard...and not because he’s demonstrably one of the worst presidents in American history, not because they even remotely care about this country, but because they no longer think he can win. They had no problem covering up his clear incompetences for years when they thought they he could. They didn’t care how much he and they screwed up the country given the opportunity. All they’ve ever cared about is winning and power. Never about you. Joe’s been exposed, they’ve been exposed and now there’s Panic! at the Democrat’s Disco.  

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