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Why The Freedom Convoy Isn't Free - Top Takeaways - February 16th, 2022

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Teachable Moment Via the Freedom Convoy - Top Three Takeaways - February 16th, 2022 

  1. The teachable moment with Canada & the Freedom Convoy. Many Americans expressed some degree of surprise at the onset of the Freedom Convoy. It was driven by the level of indignance of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who hasn’t been willing to even speak with protesting truckers, let alone consider dropping misguided vaccine mandates. That surprise has since turned to shock by some. Trudeau’s decision to invoke Canada’s “Emergencies Act”, an unpreceded move in the relatively young country, which effectively removed all perceived rights from any Canadian at the direction of the Prime Minister. The first use of this unprecedented, dictatorial, power? The government freezing of personal financial accounts of all associated with the protest. No court ruling required. No checks and balances. Free, unfettered, dictatorial power from on high used to confiscate the financial resources of these truckers with a simple declaration from the Prime Minister. The reason why so many seem so surprised that this can happen, is that too often we take freedom for granted in this country. Canadians aren’t truly free. Just as most of the world’s population isn’t. What Trudeau has done couldn’t be done in the United States because our freedom was established in the Bill of Rights and Constitutionally protected from the time of our country’s founding. Candidian rights were granted through an Act by the Queen of England in conjunction with Justin Trudeau's dad in 1982. You need look no further than our first two amendments to see where we differ. Free speech?  
  2. Not in Canada. You’re free to speak unless the government deems it “hate” speech. That could land you in jail. Free to bear arms? Nope, not at all. There’s a reason why the United States of America rose from a rag tag group of colonies into the world’s leading superpower inside of 150 years. Real freedom. The United States of America was the first and remains the only country where you are completely free by birth and only have limitations placed on that freedom to the extent that you might use it to inhibit another’s freedom. In all other countries, including Canada, one only has the rights the government allowed them to have. Everyday, and increasingly with every generation since the Greatest Generation, Americans have taken it for granted. That’s because many never learned what made us different to begin with, to be able to appreciate how precious what we have is. It’s also why it’s been critical during this pandemic to have had a leader like Governor DeSantis who understands and respects our freedom. Someone who has been willing to stand tall against all efforts to chip away at our God-given and constitutionally protected freedom. We’ve seen what’s happened elsewhere. That’s why it’s important we understand what’s on the line right here at home. If we allow the Marxist CRT agenda to be taught in our schools in lieu of actual American History and civics, what do you think will happen? We've already seen what’s happened to our society when the Marxist Black Lives Matter Movement – replete with their defund the police agenda was granted legitimacy in this country. As Randy Sutton of The Wounded Blue told me yesterday, it’ll take a decade to undo the damage done to society by just a year’s worth of that movement having been granted legitimacy. And if we were to allow it to be taught in our schools just imagine. And that’s the larger point.  
  3. The rest of the world isn’t free. Many factions within the United States are fighting to see to it that we aren’t. What happened in Canada can’t happen in the United States today but that’s only because those protections remain in place. From the classroom, to DA’s, to Washington D.C. there’s an unprecedented assault on our freedom from within. That’s why it’s especially important not to take it for granted, appreciating how rare it is and understanding that enemies of freedom come in forms both foreign and domestic. Just over a year ago at the start of the World Economic Forum’s conference they started the conference with directions to leaders on how to carry out the Great Reset. It’s still right there on their website. None of this is a secret and it's not a conspiracy. It’s happening. And we’re the biggest target. We’ve seen countless politicians and officials at the local, state and federal level attempt to remove your freedom during the pandemic. It’s why we can’t take any elections at any level for granted. And its why we can’t take what’s happening in the classroom for granted – regardless of if we have kids. The rest of the world isn’t free, just ask the truckers, and we won’t be either if we do what the rest of the world does.  

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