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Biden Bizzaro World, Voter Fraud & FL Tech - Top 3 Takeaways – April 4th

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The Biden Bizzaro World, Voter Fraud & FL Tech - Top 3 Takeaways – April 4th, 2022 

  1. A tale of two entirely different worlds. We just really are that different from each other. There’s just no way around it. While perusing President Biden’s approval rating in Florida over the weekend, I noticed a small but recent trend. His approval rating has been slowly recovering after having bottomed out in late February. Now the rating, at 37% approval to 55% disapproval is still brutal – so it’s not like he’s anywhere close to being in good standing in our state. Still, that’s 3-points better than six weeks ago. And psychographically it interests me because my mind looks at where we were in February and where we are today, and I can’t help but to wonder who the Floridians are who six weeks ago didn’t approve of Biden’s performance but now look at him and think...yeah give me more of that sweet action. In approval polling the option of neither approving or disapproving is an option. But anyway, upon closer review we can see where the increase has come from, and it paints the picture of a tale of two entirely different worlds. Here’s Biden’s approval rating in Florida based upon political party... Independents - 28%, Republicans – 3%, Democrats 80%. One of these things is obviously not like the others. And its Florida’s Democrats which have been increasingly approving of Biden’s performance – as its risen 12-points in six weeks which his rating remains at the lowest levels of his administration among everyone else. If it feels at times like the political environment in this state, and for that matter – the country, is an altered state of reality. It is. If men are from Mars and women are from Venus (no word yet on what planet pansexuals are from – perhaps we should ask Disney?), Democrats are from a different galaxy than just about everyone else in society. This divergence is the largest gap I’ve ever seen under any administration in our state. You might hear of people approving of President Biden’s performance and think...what in the world? Instead, you might just consider asking them what world they are from? My money is on Bizzaro
  2. But wait there’s more. Last week I brought you the story of five indictments of Floridians who were part of an illegal jailhouse voter registration scheme in advance of the 2020 elections. To quickly recap... Five felons, who were still serving time for their offenses, had been indicted for voter registration fraud. According to the indictment, the inmates were registering Democrats inside the prison system in advance of the 2020 elections. Well, that was as of last Wednesday. You can now double that number and make it ten. As of Saturday, a total of ten individuals have now been indicted for felony voter fraud as part of a fraudulent jailhouse voter registration scam. Five of the ten indicted have cooperated with authorities detailing how a voter a registration campaign was brought to the prison system to register inmates to vote as and for Democrats in 2020. Votes were cast and counted from inmates who used absentee ballots to unlawfully vote from prison. But remember voter fraud doesn’t really happen, and there wasn’t any voter fraud in Florida in 2020 was there? Imagine what might be found if state attorneys actually did their jobs and pursued the 156 officially referred yet unprosecuted cases of voter fraud in our state? Btw, based on the details of the “rock the jailhouse vote” scam – it’s possible what’s been identified may be the tip of the iceberg related to that specific scam in Florida two years ago. The indictments so far have all been specific to Alachua County. The question is if this only happened in Alachua’s prison system. There are 66 other counties of possibilities out there.  
  3. So long Silicon Valley – hello Florida. Since the advent of the internet age there’s been one state and one region of it which has led the country in technology job growth – California and Silicon Valley specifically – that is until now. A decade ago, nobody associated Florida with technology and innovation. Today, we’re topping California in growth. According to a new CompTIA report Texas was the top state for new technology jobs in 2021 – with Florida second. California, the previous forty-year leader in tech jobs – fell to third. And if you look at technology businesses started and relocated during the year – we're number one. Having added more technology-based businesses than any other state last year. It’s a remarkable story that keeps getting better and continues to provide more higher paying careers within our state. So long Silicon Valley and hello South Florida.  

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