The Brian Mudd Show

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KBJ, Wokeness & DeSantis - Top 3 Takeaways – April 8th, 2022 

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KBJ, Wokeness & DeSantis - Top 3 Takeaways – April 8th, 2022 

  1. It’s not just a bad vote, it’s a bad joke. Life is complicated. Many people spend much of it seeking the meaning of it. But being woke, leads to all kinds of bad votes. And many of those votes amount to bad jokes. And those bad jokes have a way of complicating life, starting with birth for example. For the whole of human history, no later than at the time of birth, a determination has been made about the gender of a baby. This is not a complicated thing. That’s because there really are only two genders no matter how woke someone decides to be. The science has been decided on this dating back to creation which is something that those who suggest otherwise necessarily deny. And this takes us to the bad votes, 53 in the United States Senate yesterday to be exact. Predictably news coverage of the vote for Ketanji Brown Jackson is widely positive focusing on all the most the important characteristics we look for in a Supreme Court Justice, you know, race and gender (I’m going to revisit the irony of this in a moment) as outlined by the president. Dutifully, news media has covered accordingly. That’s how far our society has regressed. In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. expressed his dream that My four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. That day is not today and seemingly getter farther away by the day. Try finding a story about Ketanji Brown Jackson that isn’t expressly about her race. But unlike the others in news reporting, I’m going to take Dr. King up on his dream and evaluate the content of character of KBJ. So back to the whole gender thing. The next Supreme Court Justice was nominated on back of President Biden saying he’d only consider a Black woman for the post. Well, question for the president, because he’s no biologist. Was KBJ pre-inspected by a biologist to determine her gender? After all, by her own definition that’s the only way to define a woman. And that takes us to the bad jokes. A lot’s been observed about KBJ’s answer to Senator Blackburn’s question about the definition of a woman. The answer was...  
  2. I don’t know. I’m not a biologist. By her own definition every obstetrician who’s ever said it’s a boy or a girl has spoken out of turn. They’re not biologists. And gender reveal parties? What kind of horrible science denying person are you exactly? Who are you as a parent to suggest you have a boy or a girl? You're no biologist. Perhaps it’s at this point you may begin to see the implications of a Supreme Court Justice who's on the record as suggesting only biologists can determine one’s gender. But the biggest one isn’t of a legal nature specific to gender. It’s the implicit denial of God and creation within her answer. According to Genesis, The Lord God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man. Who did God think he was? There’s no record of him being biologist. You see, to be woke, and to play the gender fluidity game doesn’t just lead to bad jokes, it’s a direct denial of God and creation. The Declaration of Independence states We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The very freedom granted to us by our Creator, as explicitly stated in our Declaration of Independence, has been denied by the next Supreme Court Justice tasked with preserving it. A fox is now guarding the hen house, yet all that’s discussed is how a Black woman (without any proven documentation of the woman thing) will be on the Supreme Court. Bad votes and bad jokes. That’s what’s happened here.  
  3. DeSantis wins Texas. One day it might be an actual headline with significant implications. For now, it’s a certain sign that Ron DeSantis is the clearcut leader of not just the state of Florida but the Republican party this side of Donald Trump. Because most of the free world is already wishing 2024 were here. Republican primary polling in Texas shows DeSantis lapping the perspective Republican field – if Trump’s not it in. In a primary without Trump, DeSantis pulled the support of 48% of Texas voters – the next closest candidate – Texas' own Ted Cruz came in at just 19%. And Texas’ Governor Greg Abbott was there with just 10%. It’s clear Texans prefer our governor to theirs and its increasingly clear if Trump doesn’t run, it’s DeSantis’ race to lose in 2024 – provided he takes care of business here at home first.  

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