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Red Wave, Political Moods & DeSantis Crushing It - Top 3 Takeaways

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Red Wave, Political Moods & DeSantis Crushing It - Top 3 Takeaways – June 16th, 2022  

  1. A potentially warranted political overreaction. As always there are two sides to stories and one side to facts. The fact is many Texans voted for a Republican for the first time in their lives on Tuesday. A highly notable one, Elon Musk, said as much – when he said I voted for Mayra Flores – first time I ever voted Republican. His vote was one of many as Mexican-born Republican, Mayra Flores flipped Texas’ 34th Congressional district Tuesday night. On one hand, she’ll be forced to run again in just a few months to remain in Congress. On another hand the seat she’s currently in won’t exist as currently configured due to redistricting in Texas this fall. But at the same time the implications could be many. It was just in Tuesday’s Q&A I addressed the prospect of Biden’s open border policies backfiring for Democrats. As I said: By a margin of 65% to 28%, recent polling shows Hispanic voters believe the border should be closed and most recently only 44% of Hispanic/Latino voters approve of Joe Biden’s performance – a number that falls to 39% in Florida. Much has been made of the shift to the right by Hispanic voters. Current polling continues to support that notion. Legal immigrants and Hispanic voters generally are rebelling against President Biden and his open border policies. Right on cue was Tuesday’s election result in a South Texas district. Flores didn’t just flip the seat. She won comfortably by eight percent. How significant is that win? Here are the last three election wins in that district... 2016: D+25%, 2018: D+20%, 2020: D+14%. So, here’s a district that’s gone from a 25-point advantage for Democrats six years ago to swinging for a Republican by 8-points today. This trend also supports two key notions on the right. Republicans have been making gains with Hispanic voters. The trend in this district showed Republicans gaining ground in this majority Hispanic district for four consecutive elections, but now, with the flood gates opening. The only thing that might be happening faster than illegal immigrants being ushered in by the Biden administration across our southern border, are the number of legal immigrants flipping their votes to Republicans. Yes, it’s a special election in a district that soon won’t exist as it currently does, but it very much could prove to be a precursor of what’s to come in November. And all signs are pointing to that being the case because of... 
  2. The mood of the country. As mentioned in yesterday’s midweek midterm election update, we’re way more disapproving of the direction of the country today as compared to the record setting 2010 election of twelve years ago, and Republicans are faring far better on the generic ballot than they were at this time twelve years ago, and for that matter Americans are far more disapproving of Joe Biden today as compared to Barak Obama twelve years ago. The bottom line is this. There is not another election cycle we’ve witnessed which compares to the current internals for the wave election that appears to be brewing for this fall. Yes, a lot can and will happen between now and November, but then again – which political party will be positioned to benefit? Do you think the border will suddenly not be open? Do you think we’ll not be in a recession? Do you think Joe Biden will suddenly start making sense? The reality on the ground ain’t pretty because the debacle that is this Democrat clown show running this country ain’t pretty. It’s about as jacked up as a transexual at 70. Yes, the SCOTUS abortion ruling is something which leftists are pointing to...but when your rallying cry is your desire to whack as many babies in the womb as possible... I’ll refer to my previous comment.  
  3. That’s my Gov. DeSantis has done it again. When asked on Wednesday about Musks’ support for DeSantis in 2024, Ron said this... With Elon Musk I would say, I welcome support from African Americans. The only thing better than scoring the support of the world’s most interesting man, is throwing shade on political correctness when doing it. Jesse Jackson invented the PC characterization “African-American” in an effort to further divide the country and shakedown corporations in the name of race. Not only are almost all Black Americans born in America... A white dude, Elon Musk born in South Africa, is an actual African American. So yeah, DeSantis is crushing political correctness while crushing it with Musk. That’s my gov. 

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