Domestic Terror, Joe’s Woes & Religious Liberty - Top 3 Takeaways – June 22nd, 2022
- What’s the difference? As the January 6th dog and pony show continued yesterday, a clear and present threat to our system of government did too. No, it's not Donald Trump, yes, it is domestic terrorism. Domestic terrorism occurring right now and across the country. Terrorism led by potential domestic terrorist organizations which have issued threats and have been actively and regularly engaged in unlawful protests for the purpose of obstructing our system of government from functioning. A threat which has already resulted in an assassination attempt of a Supreme Court Justice at his home. Just Saturday the group Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights pledged on social media to “STOP #SCOTUS from overturning Roe”. What exactly does that mean? The potential terrorist organization Ruth Sent Us, has gone so far as to post pictures of Justice Kavanah's (he of the failed assassination attempt) daughter's school. From vandalism to firebombing, a total of 60 acts of misfeasance - commonly acts of terror have already been committed against a myriad of largely prolife targets – from churches to health clinics. 15 of which have been directly attributed and claimed by one clear domestic terror organization – Jane's Revenge. As Jane’s Revenge has stated – they're “not merely pushing empty words”. While I’m not exactly surprised that those who are so desirous of whacking babies in the womb would take to violence to carry out their mission, after all abortion is far more barbaric than what they’ve done to date, one can’t help but to wonder what’s the difference? As in what’s the difference between domestic terrorists interested in overthrowing the 2020 Presidential Election by obstructing the certification of the Electoral College Vote and domestic terrorists interested in overthrowing the United States Supreme Court’s decisions? That is except one is a clear and present danger to the United States and the other hasn’t been a threat to anyone other than themselves in about a year and a half. One has a dog and pony show commission taking place and the other apparently has the blessing of the current Justice Department by way of Justices’ inaction. This as they continue to break the law with impunity – starting with unlawful protests. I guess the difference is one domestic terror wing has the blessing of the Biden administration and Congressional Democrats generally. Speaking of the Biden administration?
- How low can Joe go? Technically 30-points lower in Florida. Practically, Joe Biden currently has the lowest approval rating any president has had in Florida at any time since Nixon post-Watergate in 74’. In fact, Nixon’s the only president to have ever had a lower approval rating in Florida than Joe Biden currently does. So yeah, Joe Biden’s approval rating in Florida has reached new lows, with now just 30% of Floridians looking at Joe Biden fall on his bike, becoming indignant on the beach, and thinking – yeah give me some more of that guy’s sweet political action. What is hitting new highs is his disapproval rating. Just as Joe’s hit new approval lows, his disapproval has also reached new highs – with 59% of Floridians now disapproving of his performance. That amounts to a 29% net negative approval rating in Florida. So how low could Joe go? His net approval rating has fallen 30% from its highs in Florida. That’s halfway to literally how low they could go. One just wonders what it would take to get there?
- Religious liberty in Florida education. We didn’t get the Supreme Court ruling on Tuesday, but we did get an important one. One that has significant implications across the country, most especially in our state. The 6-3 decision in – Carson v. Makin, a Maine religious liberty case may well prove to be one of the most important from the high court for years to come. The crux of the case comes down to a Maine tuition assistance program for private schools, but that specifically excluded religious schools from eligibility. The decision struck down Maine’s banning of religious schools from eligibility. That’s but yet the latest example that there’s no such thing as a “separation of church and state” in the United States of America. It’s also significant in Florida where we have the largest school choice program in the country. Florida’s school choice has allowed for the participation of religious schools since the inception of the school choice program. The latest SCOTUS ruling helps ensure that it will stay that way against any potential challenges.