The Brian Mudd Show

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Nikki Fried Isn’t Florida & What Florida’s Weather Has in Common with LA’s

Nikki Fried Isn’t Florida & What Florida’s Weather Has in Common with LA’s – Top 3 Takeaways – February 27th, 2023 

  1. Nikki Fried isn’t Florida. Florida’s Democrats have learned nothing. No Nikki Fried isn’t Tallahassee’s favorite bisexual criminal, Andrew Gillum. She clearly prefers downers to uppers. But politically she might as well be and what this means is that Florida’s Democrats have learned nothing. On Saturday, the party which has been in disarray in FLA, made their choice about who would lead them into the future. The choice was a blast from the recent past. As I mentioned last week, it’s easy for Republicans in Florida to feel good about where they sit right now. But how long will that remain the case? A year from now will there be a civil war playing out in the party from a DeSantis vs. Trump battle for the ages? And if so, what might that mean within our state where it would all be emanating? That could create an opportunity for Democrats if they position themselves appropriately to capitalize on it should it occur. But will they? We now have an answer which was the most predictable one. Consider what Nikki immediately had to say on Saturday. You have seen me every single day, fighting against the most zealous fascist dictator that this state has ever seen. That’s twenty words. And it would be harder for someone to use twenty words more ineffectively as she immediately did. Not only is calling Governor DeSantis a fascist dictator absurd on its face to all but the most radical in our society. It’s as tone deaf as it gets in a state which just reelected him by a record margin and where he retains enormous popularity. In fact, on the same day Nikki won, a Florida Chamber of Commerce poll showed Governor DeSantis would beat President Biden by double-digits just as he whacked Charlie Crist four months ago by double-digits. This necessarily shows that triangulation, which saved Bill Clinton’s presidency, is the furthest thing from Nikki’s mind and that she’s clearly... 
  2. Going to continue to play to the most radical wing of her party. But it wasn’t just what she had to say about DeSantis which was absurd. It’s what she said first. “You have seen me”. As I also said last week... Given that a party chair needs to put the political ambitions of the party above their own personal political ambitions, the current crop of Democrat candidates is interesting. The two leading candidates, Nikki Fried and Annette Taddeo, are both known for extensive self-promotion, and both are coming off failed gubernatorial bids (and in the case of Taddeo a failed Congressional bid too). Both felt they should be leading the state of Florida as opposed to running the state’s Democratic Party. That doesn’t mean they can’t do a good job, but their known preference for their own political aspirations would have to take a back seat to attempting to find the next generation of Democrat stars who’d be able to do what they couldn’t - among other challenges. The first words out of her mouth showed it’s the same egocentric Nikki Fried. The kind whose first action as Agriculture Commissioner was to illegally put her face on every gas pump in Florida. And the last words out of her mouth were just as telling on Saturday as she said: You better believe we are going to take it to Ron DeSantis every damn day. Now ask yourself. Is this what Florida’s voters are hoping to see? A political party which is dedicated to taking it to DeSantis every day? She can’t even seem to pretend to care about her constituents. Just herself and her politics. And something does appear to be damned. The Democrat Party in Florida. Nikki Fried isn’t Florida, she’s an ego centric radical left-wing attorney with a penchant for pot from Fort Lauderdale. And by Florida’s Democrats going with her – it's clear they’ve learned nothing.  
  3. Some like it hot. Yes, it’s been hot in South Florida. Yes, even more so in the central part of the state. Yes, it seems crazy that a) it snowed in Los Angeles and b) that it happened at the same time it was nearly 90 in Florida. But no, we’re not in record territory and yes, these same two events happened at the same time previously. The hottest recorded temperature in Florida in February is 92 which happened in Melbourne in 1962. Incidentally that also happened to be a year it snowed in Los Angeles. Prior to the recent snow in LA, they hadn’t experienced snow since 1989, and before that it was 1962. So, what we’re seeing is cyclical, but just the kind we haven’t seen in 61 years.  

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