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A Logical Next Step & Top Presidents of The Past 40 Years – Top 3 Takeaways

A Logical Next Step & The Top Presidents of The Past 40 Years – Top 3 Takeaways – September 13th, 2023 

  1. A logical next step. What has dozens of shell companies used to funnel tens of millions of dollars, from at least three corrupt foreign business interests with direct ties to two of our biggest foreign adversaries? The Biden Crime Family of course. What has 2 IRS whistleblowers, an FBI whistleblower, an art dealer informant, and a former business associate of a crackhead son of the current president revealing details of how corruption enriching the perps to the tune of tens of millions of dollars was carried out? The Biden Crime Family of course. Who also goes by Robin Ware, Robert Peters and JRB Ware? A person with multiple personality disorder or a person with something to hide. Also, of course Joe Biden as Vice President. In the vast reporting I’ve done on the Biden Crime Family revelations I recently boiled it all down to this: Either Joe Biden as Vice President was gender identifying, alongside a case of multiple personality disorder, or... The current President of the United States is corrupt as hell and has endlessly lied about his ties to Hunter Biden’s business dealings and his role in them. I also noted that the most important work that will continue to be done when Congress gets back to work, will continue to be with what happens in the House Oversight Committee. For quite a long time the logical next step in the investigation into the Biden Crime Family was an impeachment inquiry. Yesterday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy acknowledged this. Quoting McCarthy House Republicans have uncovered serious and credible allegations into President Biden’s conduct. Taken together, these allegations paint a picture of a culture of corruption. Through our investigations we have found that President Biden did lie to the American people about his own knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings. Eyewitnesses have testified that the president joined on multiple phones calls and had multiple interactions, dinners that resulted in cars and millions of dollars. We know that bank records show that nearly twenty million dollars in payments were directed to the Biden family members and associates through various shell companies. The Treasury Department alone has more than 150 transactions involving the Biden family and other business associates that were flagged as suspicious activity by US banks. Biden used his official office to coordinate with Hunter Biden’s business partners. It appears that the president’s family has received special treatment by Biden’s own administration. These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption. They warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives. That’s why today I am directing our House committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. What McCarthy said is key, including a new detail I’d yet uncovered. 150 foreign Biden family bank transactions were flagged by US banks and every single one of them was cleared by the federal government? That’s insane and... 
  2. It shows the lengths the corrupt federal bureaucracy will go to protect its preferred members. This is why the House investigation holds the key. They’re the only ones who can be counted on to produce the truth. And it’s the reason that the walls continue to close in on the Biden Crime Family slowly but surely. And yesterday’s opening of an official impeachment inquiry is a big next step in this process. No, it’s not at all likely that a Democrat controlled Senate would vote to convict and remove Joe Biden as president, no matter how corrupt he and his family may be proven to be. However public dissemination of the truth matters during a presidential election cycle for those who are open and interested to it, and there just may come a time when the Justice Department has no choice but to do the right thing. Just as AG Merrick Garland was pressed into a corner with US Attorney David Weiss’ position – elevating his status as a special prosecutor. That wasn’t originally part of his plan. That development, and the likely federal felony indictment of Hunter by the end of the month, is just a small sign of what the House has the power to do when they have the tools to properly investigate. The official impeachment inquiry unlocks additional investigative tools. And speaking of Joe Biden... 
  3. Something most Americans can agree that Ronald Reagan was a better president than him. Now comparing Joe Biden to Ronald Reagan is like comparing Greece 2 to the original Greece. They’re both movies. They shared the name Greece. One was an abomination. As an aside did you know or remember that Michelle Pfeiffer was the lead in Greece 2? Kudos to her for that debacle not derailing her career. I found this quote from her talking about it. That film was a good experience for me. It taught me a valuable lesson. Before it even came out the hype had started. Maxwell and I were being thrust down the public's throat in huge full page advertisements. There was no way we could live up to any of that and we didn't. So the crash was very loud. Speaking of crashes and back to Joe Biden...A new Pew Research study asking Americans who the best president of the past forty years was...found...that both Democrats and Republicans agree Ronald Reagan was a better president than Joe Biden is. No kidding. 8% of Democrats admit that Ronald Reagan was the best president of the previous forty years, only 7% are delusional enough to suggest it’s Joe Biden (the Democrats top choice was Barak Obama with 58% support). A lot of people think no one will ever win 49 states in a presidential election again. If Reagan were matched up with Biden it probably would happen again. In any event Reagan was the top choice of Republicans (41%), narrowly edging out the former and perhaps future President of the United States, Donald Trump who had 37% support as being the top pres. among Republicans...and somewhat interestingly even 2% support for the top billing among Democrats. What this study shows as much as anything is how little conviction there is behind the average Democrat’s support of Joe Biden, contrasted with the strength of support Donald Trump has with Republicans. Should there be a rematch next year as both races are currently pacing...consider this. Across all voters Pew found that 19% believe Donald Trump was the best president of the past 40 years. Only 4% of Americans feel that Joe Biden is. Given a choice between the two again next year how much passion is there likely to be around the four percenter? How many in the middle are likely to be motivated to vote for that guy? How many people pick Greece 2 over Greece? 

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