The Brian Mudd Show

The Brian Mudd Show

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SFL Illegal Immigration, Trump Lawfare & Disney Gets Dusted - Top Takeaways

SFL Illegal Immigration, Trump Lawfare & Disney Gets Dusted - Top 3 Takeaways – February 1st, 2024 

  1. Raped, pillaged and abused. Some people literally and all of us financially as a result of Biden’s border crisis. This week, as some in local media were somewhat hilariously attempting to claim that President Biden’s fundraising visit to Jupiter would boost tourism...because you know, President Biden – aka the Lady Di of this time - is just so popular that where he goes throngs of his adoring fans go. But anyway, as some were busy covering that angle of President Biden’s impact on us, I’ve been busy studying the impact of his administration's border policy on us. As illustrated in yesterday’s Q&A, almost all asylum seekers coming across the southern border are determined to be nothing more than illegal immigrants scamming the current asylum system. They’re nine times more likely to commit a federal crime, which isn’t the least bit surprising given that their first act in this country was to enter it illegally – even if the Biden administration has encouraged it. They’re more than twice as likely to end up on welfare programs. Illegal immigrants now account for a quarter of all property crimes, trafficking arrests and over a quarter of all fraud. What isn’t to love about all of this? And bonus, due to the Biden administration's lawlessness in allowing for all of this – we're now also paying $1,156 per taxpayer, per year to facilitate all of it. We’ve also learned that the top state asylum seekers have been sent to is Florida, at a rate that 2.2 times higher than the national average and that the top destination they’ve been sent to within Florida is South Florida. This information came out this week as President Biden made stops in Jupiter and Miami for campaign fundraisers and with polling information showing that illegal immigration is the biggest issue this political season. Have you heard or come across this information anywhere else? I’ve long said the most pervasive form of bias in news media is omission of information. What you’ve witnessed is exhibit “A”. Rather than spending time investigating and breaking down the truth, we were left with hard hitting stories like: Biden’s motorcade goes through the heart of Jupiter and Biden’s visit expected to boost tourism in Jupiter- because ya know, if Biden visits, they will come...or something like that. Here’s what I’m rather certain of – in part because I’m a regular witness to it. There are far more people that are interested in peeking at Mar-a-Lago, even when Trump’s not there, than there are interested in following in Biden’s footsteps around South Florida. It wasn’t even like he made a public appearance but we’re to believe that just the knowledge that he went to a private fundraiser in Jupiter – that it’s a difference maker. Now, it is true that Biden has made an economic impact in Jupiter and will continue to do so. And no, I’m not even talking about ‘Bidenflation and Bidenomics. There are 61,200 residents in Jupiter. His border policies alone have cost the residents of the Town $70,747,200 over the past year. A number that will be higher this year. But hey, did you see where his motorcade went right through the heart of the Town? You really can’t make this stuff up. Meanwhile, over at Sinclair Media they posed the poll question... 
  2. Do you think the charges against former President Donald Trump are legitimate or political? And the response was overwhelming. If you’ve paid attention to any of the head-to-head national presidential polling recently you’ve noticed a trend. The former and perhaps future president of the United States is dominating the current one (you know the guy with a historically low approval rating but that who we’re told stimulates local economics by briefly attending private fundraisers). And many on the left have wondered why or how it’s possible since they’ve thrown the lawfare kitchen sink at Trump to attempt to keep him in courtrooms and perhaps even prison this election season. The answer to Sinclair’s poll question provides some insight. By a 63% to 37% margin over 27,000 respondents said the charges against Trump are political and not legitimate. Trump currently shows outright polling leads in every swing state in the country and most by margins that are outside of the margin of error. A lot can and will happen between now and November. But if the election were today, it’d be a Trump win in a landslide. Speaking of winning... 
  3. DeSantis and the state of Florida defeated Disney again. On Wednesday Disney’s federal lawsuit against Governor DeSantis and several other state officials for retaliation went down in flames. Disney’s argument, alleging that the action taken by Florida to dissolve its self-governance structure under the former Reedy Creek Improvement District, in lieu of the current Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, which has state appointed oversight, struck out not once but twice. Federal Judge Allen Winsor, in dismissing the lawsuit, said that Disney not only lacked standing to file the lawsuit the company filed but that the case also failed on the merits. Disney plans to appeal the judge's decision, however seldom if ever do you see a case that’s said to both lacks standing and that fails on merits taken up on appeal and fully overturned. And there’s one big reason why you can almost certainly rest assured that there’s no returning to Disney’s old way of doing business in’s been found to have been exceedingly corrupt. What’s largely flown under the news radar since the new tourism board took over from the Reedy Creek Improvement District is the story of bribery and corruption. In the 80-page status report due to Governor DeSantis and the Florida Legislature in advance of this year’s legislative session, the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District detailed how Disney gave away millions of dollars in tickets, hotel stays, merchandise and other benefits to members of the Reedy Creek Improvement District board to get them to do what Disney wanted. What were detailed to be “akin to bribes of public officials”. Details, right? So yeah, it’s been found that the Mouse House was full of rats in addition to DEI. 

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