The Brian Mudd Show

The Brian Mudd Show

There are two sides to stories and one side to facts. That's Brian's mantra and what drives him to get beyond the headlines.Full Bio


Under 100 Days Until Election Day & The DEI Olympic Games – Top 3 Takeaways

Under 100 Days Until Election Day & The DEI Olympic Games – Top 3 Takeaways – July 29th, 2024      

  1. We’re under 100 days until Election Day...what are you doing to win this election? Who would have thought that the events of this election cycle could potentially rival what we collectively lived through four years ago during the middle of a pandemic? With the breakneck speed of major news events, it's easy to lose track of time of where we are in this cycle. But a look at the calendar says it’ll be August on Thursday and as of today we’re only 98 days before Election Day in the most consequential election cycle of our lives. Last week I illustrated that Kamala Harris’ voting record in the senate was in fact most consistent with the voting record of Bernie Sanders (only 0.3% different) – making Trump’s comparisons between the two entirely appropriate. In that analysis I also showed that the difference between Harris and Trump on the issues is 84%, meaning that if you’re a Trump supporter there’s only about 16% of the time you would likely approve of the policy she’s pushing – believe it or not that's considerably worse than what we’ve had with Biden (about 26% agreement on the issues). It’s the greatest divide in policy between the two major party candidates that I’ve ever studied. If you’ve thought that Joe Biden’s agenda has been radical, and it has been, you haven’t seen anything yet with Harris at the helm. This election is that big of a deal. It’s often been said but seldom been true...the old cliche about this election (whatever election it has been), being the most important of our lives. So that takes me back to the question I asked at the open. What are you doing to win this election? Everyday I’m inundated with conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory being bandied about on social media. Is that what you’re doing to try to win this election? If you are I can insure you of two things. You’re not helping to win this election because... 1) conspiracy theories won’t activate potential Trump voters that might otherwise not vote (if anything it could have the inverse effect with people thinking things like that the fix is in, so their vote doesn’t matter anyway) and they won’t convince already skeptical undecided voters to vote for your candidate(s) of choice. 2) nothing constructive is taking place as time is ticking down to make a difference in this cycle.  
  2. Imagine if everyone perpetuating social media conspiracy theories spent that time actively engaged in directly making a difference instead? For example, if you go to the Republican Party’s volunteer page right now, you’ll find that they’re currently in need of volunteers clear across the country to do these things... Target voter outreach in my neighborhood, Calling targeted voters, Poll watching, becoming a Trump captain, Hosting a Trump House Party, Delivering Yard Signs to Neighbors. Those are needs right now that have the potential to really make a difference. This is an all-hands-on deck situation with only 98 days left in this cycle that is the most important of our lives. What’s more is that we’re only 49 days away from the first votes in this election in one of the most critical states. Pennsylvania opens voting on September 16th this year with three other states including Virginia kicking off voting only four days later on the 20th. Right now, it’s go time to make a difference in this election. Volunteering takes training and time and that’s something that’s quickly running out if you intend to do what you can do to attempt to help “Save America”. Yes, each of us voting is a critical part of the solution, but it’s the least any of us can do. So, what are you doing to make a difference with 98 days to go before Election Day and only half of that before votes begin to be cast? If you believe as I do that this is the most important election of our lives, it’s important that we act on it. That means less time with memes and more time spent on mobilization. We’ve got one opportunity to save America. You don’t want to be sitting around on November 6th thinking that we’ve missed it.  
  3. This is NOT how we break down barriers, it's how you build them. Those were the words fitness guru Jillian Michaels following the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics which came complete with drag queens mocking The Last Supper. Jillian’s message to the LGBTQIA+’* community was this: Dear fellow gays… We demand tolerance and respect but then make a mockery of something sacred for over 2 billion Christians. This type of hypocrisy and lack of understanding is a bad look. We get outraged when the extreme right bashes us, but then we do this s---. What kind of reaction do you think they will have towards the LGBTQ+ community after this. This is NOT how we break down barriers, it's how you build them. Piers Morgan offered another important take... A drag queen mockery of the Last Supper at the Olympics? Would they have mocked any other religion like this? Appalling decision. Bingo, what for example, would the reaction be if Islam for had been the target of the drag queen’s acting? It was after all in Paris that just nine years ago a horrific Islamic terror attack resulted in the murder of a dozen employees of magazine Charlie Hebdo following a depiction of Muhammad in a magazine. But hey, Jesus – and his disciples – fair game to include in what was billed as an “inclusive” opening ceremonies. You know you jumped the shark as a host country when the top clergy in your country call you out. In a statement issued by the French Bishops Conference... The opening ceremony offered the world last wonderful moments of beauty, joy, rich emotions, and universal acclaim, but included scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity, which we deeply deplore. We are thinking of all the Christians on every continent who have been hurt by the outrageousness and provocation of certain scenes. We want them to understand that the Olympic celebration goes far beyond the ideological biases of a few artists. Yet again we’ve seen what happens when DEI is introduced. Division, exclusion and indoctrination.  

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