Photo: AFP
While mail-in ballots continue to be sent in to Palm Beach County elections officials, there is still some time to request one be sent to you. Supervisor of Elections Wendy Sartory Link says that date is October 29th at 5 p.m.
"That is the last day that you can request for us to mail you a ballot. If you don't get your request in then you can still come to the office to pick one up, but for us to mail you your ballot you need to make that request by October 29th."
Early voting in-person begins on Monday and runs through November 6th at 21 sites across the county and Link says the appointment program that started during the primary will once again be available.
"We're excited about it. I think it will be a great service to Palm Beach County and we are the only county in the nation, that I'm aware of, that is doing it."
You can go to to set an appointment for early voting.
You can also go to the poll worker tab at that website if you want to be a poll worker.
"We're getting close but we do have classes through the end of the week. So, we will get you into a class if you're interested. We definitely could use some more."
Poll workers are paid anywhere from $200 to $375 for the election.