DeSantis maintains high job rating.

Governor Ron DeSantis's job approval rating stands at a lofty 65% according to a new Mason-Dixon poll of Florida voters. Pollster Brad Coker says it's an impressive performance times being what they are.

"There is quite a bit of cross-over in terms of his support," Coker says. "In an age where the country is so partisanly divided, it's noteworthy that 40% of Democratic voters actually approve of DeSantis.

While just 42% of Black voters approve of DeSantis, 56% of Hispanics and 71% of White voters think he's doing a good job.

Governor DeSantis is most popular in North Florida where 72% of voters give him thumbs-up. 69% of voters approve of his job performance in Central and Southwest Florida while even in Democrat-dominated Southeast Florida 56% of voters say keep up the good work.

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