Palm Beach County Public Schools To Close Next Week

Big empty classroom at modern school

Palm Beach County Schools Superintendent Donald Fennoy says public schools in Palm Beach County will be closed to students next week, to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

This means that 190,000 students will be off a full week, ahead of spring break, which is the following week in Palm Beach County.

That gives the school district two weeks to keep kids away from campuses.

While some staff is being told to report to work next week, teachers and other support staff are to stay home.

The announcement was made shortly after a state of emergency was declared in Palm Beach County.

Meanwhile, Palm Beach State College has told students that its campuses will be closed next week, with online classes beginning Monday, March 23rd.

Any online classes currently ongoing will be suspended effective Saturday March 14th through Sunday March 22nd.

Photo: Getty Images

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