Miami Beach Bans Cigarette Smoking At Beaches And Parks

Smokers will have to find another place to light up on Miami Beach.

Come January 1st, cigarette smoking will be banned on city beaches and parks.

Environmental organizations say cigarette butts, which have microplastics and don't disintegrate, are the most common item polluting the city's beaches, parks and waterways. They've even been found in animals.

Original opponent Kristen Rosen Gonzalez has had a change of heart saying, "I also understand the environmental perspective so, even though I do feel like it's and overregulation and heavy government, I'm going to support it."

But fellow City Commissioner Ricky Arriola holding firm arguing, "police have much more important pressing matters with regard to public safety."

The ordinance passed on second reading by a 5-1 margin.

Violators could face a $100 fine for a first offense and up to $500 fines or jail time for repeat offenders.

On July 1st a new state law went into effect allowing local governments to regulate smoking in parks and beaches.

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