Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images News / Getty Images
(Miami, Fla) - Florida Senator Rick Scott is touting his work on the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act and what it means for Florida's military members.
The bipartisan annual Pentagon spending bill is scheduled for a vote Wednesday and invests in our military in order to maintain parity with China's military.
Sen. Scott says as governor he made sure that Florida's has 21 military bases and three unified commands had everything they needed.
And now as a member of the Armed Services committee, he's fighting for more money and better housing for our servicemembers.
Scott says he fought for a 5.5% pay raise and also to end land sales to China.
He adds that we all need to stop buying Chinese goods because it only helps their economy.
President Biden's proposed total defense budget of 886 billion dollars for 2024 is 5 billion dollars less than last year's budget.