Jury Trial Date Set For Former Palm Beach Central High Principal

Former Palm Beach Central High Principal Darren Edgecomb

Photo: CBS 12

A trial date has been set for the former principal of Palm Beach Central High School.

Darren Edgecomb and four other staff members were charged last summer with failing to report a possible sexual assault of one student by another.

Prosecutors say Edgecomb was required by law to report the alleged incident as soon as the school was notified, but he says he waited three days while he did his own investigation into the claims.

His attorney had asked the judge to have the charge dropped but the judge last week instead told both sides to prepare for a trial.

Judge Scott Suskauer on Thursday told Edgecomb that he has denied the request for dismissal and set a jury trial date for March 18th.

One of the other staffers, Assistant Principal Daniel Snider, was able to get his criminal charge dismissed when a judge agreed with defense attorneys. They claim Snider is not covered by the state's mandatory reporting statute because the juvenile accused of sexual assault is his son.

The other three defendants will be back in court in April.

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