Joel Malkin

Joel Malkin

I've spent more than 30 years on the radio in Palm Beach County, starting as a deejay in the late 1980s. Over the years, I became a news...Full Bio


Florida Sending More Help To Texas

More help is on its way to Texas, courtesy of Florida.  

Governor Rick Scott says another 37 officers with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission were dispatched to areas hard hit by Harvey, along with 21 boats on Monday.  

This follows 25 FWC officers, four patrol boats, eight shallow draft vessels and 17 high-water vehicles that were sent to Texas over the weekend.  Add to all of this, another 60 wildlife officers and nearly 20 more boats that will be deployed later Monday, to help in search and rescue missions.  

Scott says he spoke with Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Abbott requested further assistance.  He says it's crucial that we continue to work together to help our "fellow Gulf Coast state during their time of need."

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