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Top Three Takeaways – July 9th, 2021
- Who most teachers really are... Recently, as part of my effort to combat the effort to teach the cancer that is Critical Race Theory, I’ve highlighted multiple teachable moments...about our teachers. This has included 78% of our public-school teachers being members of a teacher’s union which supports the teaching of CRT and dozens of Florida’s teachers which have pledged to teach CRT, regardless of the law in Florida. In today’s Q&A, I’m asked about how liberal our teachers actually are. The answer might surprise you. While only 36% of Floridians are registered average of 86% of K-12 teachers are Democrats. That doesn’t mean 86% of teachers are indoctrinating your kids. It does mean that the population of teachers in no way is representative of the communities they’re hired to serve. It means that to the extent politics enter the equation in the classroom it’s a near one-way street. It’s also no surprise that 78% are paying dues to the teacher’s unions fighting for Critical Race Theory and that the most radical would pledge to break the law to teach your kids whatever they want to teach them. It also means it’s critically important to be highly engaged with your children’s education at all times, not just when we’re working to keep CRT out of the classroom.
- Pound Sand CDC. Twice the unelected body of scientists at the CDC have been smacked down for unconstitutional abuses of the cruise industry’s no-sail and conditional sail orders. Twice now, they’re appealing through Joe Biden’s Department of Justice. Those unelected scientists in Atlanta really don’t want you to sail and they really want to control your life. I guess this is what happens when dictatorial power is assumed for over a year by these people. It never was constitutionally acceptable, but it just hadn’t been legally challenged. Dictators don’t give up easily, so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. But perhaps we should be horrified that it’s now the Department of Justice fighting for unconstitutional dictatorial powers for an unelected body of scientists in Atlanta. When the body that’s supposed to legally uphold the Constitution is fighting to undermine it to literally take away your rights in court...what does that tell you. It’s time for the CDC to go pound sand. And it’s time for all of us to take a stand – for our rights against the Biden Administration. No wonder Biden feels it’s appropriate to “literally” go knocking on doors with needles. In his administration the CDC decides what your rights are, not the Constitution.
- Time to slay some snakes. Florida’s 2021 Python Challenge is on today. Last year over 750 people packed the Glades for ten days slaying 80 snakes. With top prize going to Mike Kimmel for bagging eight snakes in ten days. With a top prize of $10,000 and nearly a thousand more snake slayers on the prowl, there’s libel to be more snakes in Washington D.C. than the Everglades at the end of next week.