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> November 2017
December's merry stock market history:
The political state of our union is...
Tracking Trump for November 30th - What the President has been up to...
Important headlines for November 30th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 30th:
Our personal economy is the best it's been since we were partying like it w
We're shopping and loving it. We're in the best shopping mood in years...
$33 billion of stuff...Another way to pay for the holidays
Tracking Trump for November 29th - What the President has been up to...
Important headlines for November 29th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 29th:
Could at home DNA tests create an ID theft issue? A leading Senator thinks
Support your local businesses...Small Biz Saturday was a bust...
Tracking Trump for November 28th - What the President has been up to...
Important headlines for November 28th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 28th:
The "Black Friday" boom. Records were broken everywhere (except in stores):
While you were shopping...Another incredible stock market record was set on
How do you feel today? If you're stressed about what you spent over the wee
Tracking Trump for November 27th - What the President has been up to...
Important headlines for November 27th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 27th:
Hot - President & First Family Arrive To Supporters And Protesters
Trending - Search For 8 After Navy Transport Plane Crash
Listen: CBS 12's Suzanne Boyd On Younger People & Cosmetic Surgery
Hot & Trending – Pres. Trump’s Visit: What To Know
Happy Thanksgiving! As part of tradition...My eight rules for success
How low can stocks go? Updated risks and values for November 21st:
Big cities or small towns? The type of lifestyle leads to the best well-bei
Does the gender of your boss matter to you? Who we'd prefer to work for:
Important headlines for November 21st:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 21st:
Tracking Trump for November 21st - What the President has been up to...
Listen: Florida Agriculture Commissioner On State's Financial Stability
Hot – Will The Gators Get Chip Kelly?
Trending – Charles Manson Dead At 83
Everything is still awesome - The end of earnings season edition
Black Friday isn't what it used to be...The best days of the year for deals
Back to the future - 2018's economy is set to be the best in a decade
Important headlines for November 20th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 20th:
Tracking Trump for November 20th - What the President has been up to...
Hot – Police: $400K Worth Of Items Stolen From PBG Home Of Venus Williams
Trending – Holiday Travel Alert Issued For Europe
Listen: Dinesh D'Souza Talks About "The Big Lie" & Palm Beach Event
Important headlines for November 17th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 17th:
Tracking Trump for November 17th - What the President has been up to...
Tracking Trump - The President's approval for November 17th:
Tracking Trump - Direction of the Country for November 17th:
Protecting South Florida for November 17th:
Hot – Roy Moore: New Accusations Emerge
What the end of the individual mandate would mean for you and tax reform:
Robots haven't taken over most jobs yet, but...
Playing your strengths at work may be the best way to improve your health:
Important headlines for November 16th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 16th:
Tracking Trump for November 16th - What the President has been up to...
Trending – President To Spend Thanksgiving At Mar-A-Lago
Should we have mandatory national service? About half of us now say yes:
What we want for the holidays:
Are your biggest concerns being manipulated by the media?
Important headlines for November 15th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 15th:
Tracking Trump for November 15th - What the President has been up to...
Hot – Gov. Scott Proposes $178 M On Veterans & Families
Trending – Sessions Directs Prosecutors To Investigate Uranium One Deal
CBS 12's Eric Roby - "Grade Inflation" Causes Concern
What's stressing us out and keep us up at night:
The keys to maximum success - Early childhood development
How low can stocks go? Updated risks and values for November 14th:
Important headlines for November 14th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 14th:
Tracking Trump for November 14th - What the President has been up to...
Trending – Moore To Sue Washington Post Over Report
What the Senate tax plan would mean to you - Part 1 - individual taxes:
What the Senate tax plan would mean to you - Part 2 - business taxes:
Everything is awesome - The earnings season edition:
Important headlines for November 13th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 13th:
Tracking Trump for November 13th - What the President has been up to...
Hot - California NAACP Claims National Anthem Is Racist
Latest: Senate Republicans Release Their Plan For Tax Reform
Important headlines for November 10th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 10th:
Tracking Trump - The President's approval for November 10th:
Tracking Trump - Direction of the Country for November 10th:
Protecting South Florida for November 10th:
Update on Florida's jobs - what Irma did to them
Reality = our perspective - We're the most optimistic on job opportunities
Our biggest concerns are dominated by cyber-crimes:
Important headlines for November 9th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 9th:
Hot – 8 Time All-Star Halladay Dies In Florida Plane Crash
Trending – Democrats Win Gubernatorial Races In New Jersey & Virginia
Part 1: What does it mean to you? The GOP's tax proposal
Part 2: What does it mean to you? The GOP's tax proposal
Job hopping is still (generally) paying off:
Important headlines for November 8th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 8th:
Hot – Latest: Texas Church Shooting
Listen: CBS 12's Lynda Figueredo On Drugged Dogs
Who will win the governors races in New Jersey and Virginia today:
Good news reigns - Earnings Season takeaways:
How low can stocks go? Updated risks and values for November 7th:
Important headlines for November 7th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 7th:
Listen: Adam Putnam On Texas Tragedy
Trending - Eastbound Okeechobee Blvd. Closed For Rail Work
Part 1 - The real unemployment rate for November 6th:
Part 2: The demographics of the unemployed for November 6th:
Part 3: How much (more) money we're making:
Important headlines for November 6th:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 6th:
Tracking Trump for November 6th - What the President has been up to...
79 Proposals To Amend Florida Constitution
Protecting South Florida for November 3rd:
Tracking Trump - The President's approval for November 3rd:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 3rd:
Important headlines for November 3rd:
Houston Wins The World Series!
Listen: CBS 12's Andrea Marvin - Are PBC Schools Abusing Baker Act?
What type of government do we prefer these days?
What was your reaction to the terror attack in New York? What does it say?
Jobs, jobs, jobs! October's job growth rebounded after the hurricanes:
Important headlines for November 2nd:
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for November 2nd:
Tracking Trump for November 2nd - What the President has been up to...
NYC Terror: The Latest
Tax Reform Will Wait Another Day
November's Hurricane History:
November's stock market history:
October was the worst month for Republicans this year according to Gallup
Important headlines for November 1st: