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> April 2018
Part 1 - Inside the GDP Report – what's going on in our economy
Part 2 - Inside the GDP Report – what's going on in our economy
2nd Earnings Season update for April 30th
Important headlines for April 30th – To remove Israel or not to remove
Hysterical Headlines for April 30th – Dolphins draft magic & Kanye
Tracking Trump for April 30th - What the President has been up to...
Tornado Warning For Southern Palm Beach County Until 3:15 P.M.
No Confidence Vote For Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel
NFL Draft - Who Went Where In The First Round?
Important headlines for April 27th – Traffic Trauma in SFL
Hysterical Headlines for April 27th – Trump supporters – Dense as rocks?
How are your personal finances? Odds are they've never been better
President's approval and our view of the direction of the country
Protecting the Palm Beaches for April 27th
Tracking Trump for April 27th - What the President has been up to...
Calls For Boca Raton Mayor Susan Haynie To Step Down After Her Arrest
The First Round Of The NFL Draft Is Tonight
This change in marriages is the biggest catalyst driving divorces...
Cutting through Facebook's new rules... Here's what's banned
Important headlines for April 26th – Guns for good & Common-sense travel
Hysterical Headlines for April 26th – Less desirable waterfront property?
Tracking Trump for April 26th - What the President has been up to...
To regulate or not to regulate online speech – that is the question...
MSD High School Commission's First Meeting & Cruz Keeps Public Defender
Digital policing is on the rise at Google and other big tech companies
It's tax time... For next tax season
Midterm elections update for April 25th - Who Would Control Congress today
Important headlines for April 25th – NRA's recording setting run
Hysterical Headlines for April 25th – How dare celebrities support Trump!
The latest proof that health insurance is an obstacle to healthcare
What hurricanes? Foreclosure rates back to pre-crisis levels & SFL's back
How low can stocks go? Updated risks and values for April 24th
Important headlines for April 24th – Scott's Term limits
Hysterical Headlines for April 24th – Amazon's homosexual decision?
Tracking Trump for April 24th - What the President has been up to...
"Road Rage" Incident Along I-95 In Boynton Beach Leads To Arrest
Nashville-Area Waffle House Shooter Remains On The Loose
30 Cars Suffered Flat Tires On Northbound I-95 After Semi Dropped Rods
It pays to be ugly. No really!
At this point you should have ID protection service - SunTrust breech
First - Earnings Season update for April 23rd
Important headlines for April 23rd – #NeverAgain – movement or politics?
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for April 23rd – Election Integrity
Tracking Trump for April 23rd - What the President has been up to...
Hot – Two Florida Deputies Were Murdered, Now Authorities Want To Know Why
Trending – National Walkout Attracts Palm Beach County High School Students
Surprise! You may now have a better credit score esp. South Floridians
Trump's approval and our view of the direction of the country
Protecting the Palm Beaches for April 20th
Important headlines for April 20th – Florida's surging gun sales
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for April 20th – Hannity Hypocrisy
Tracking Trump for April 20th - What the President has been up to...
Hot – Mike Pompeo’s Potential Confirmation As Sec of State
Trending – Brightline Says Three Of People Struck By Trains Were On Drugs
It's the most wonderful time of the year (to sell your home)
Want to instantly improve your work? Stop doing the bad stuff
Trump says Rasmussen has been the most accurate pollster - He's Right
Important headline for April 19th – School Walkouts
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for April 19th – Investment boycotts
Tracking Trump for April 19th - What the President has been up to...
Hot – Starbucks To Close 8,000 U.S. Stores
Trending – Barbara Bush, Former First Lady Has Died
Do we really care about the Facebook data scandal or is there too much hype
Fair taxes? Most now think so
Midterm elections update for April 18th - Who Would Control Congress today?
Important headlines for April 18th – Making the economy great again
Hysterical Headlines for April 18th – The tangled weed we've woven
Tracking Trump for April 18th - What the President has been up to...
Trending – Trump Hosts Shinzo Abe At Mar-a-Lago
How low can stocks go? Updated risks and values for April 17th
Are you as wise as you think you are?
Too much of a good thing isn't - Here's how much you can booze...
Important headlines for April 17th – Broward School Violence
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for April 17th – Kids sue Rick Scott
Tracking Trump for April 17th - What the President has been up to...
Gator Walks Through Florida Hotel
Hot – Missile Strike On Syria: What’s Next?
Voter fraud update - it's unfortunately alive and well & Florida's the late
Loyalty reward? How likely are you to be promoted? We've got some answers
No sig required - most credit card companies have made the move...
Important headlines for April 16th – You down with Florida's CRC?
Hysterical Headlines for April 16th – Trump gun control & the Comey Show
Tracking Trump for April 16th - What the President has been up to...
Driver Has Close Call With Brightline Train In Delray Beach
Hot – Student Found At School With Gun, Ammo & “Items Of Concern”
Trending – Comey’s Book Comes Tuesday
Important headlines for April 13th – Brightline & Freedom's decline?
Biometric update - The end of usernames & passwords
The President's approval and our view of the direction of the country
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for April 13th-Facebook data shock
Tracking Trump for April 13th - What the President has been up to...
Protecting the Palm Beaches for April 13th
Hot – Ryan Won’t Run
Trending – Search Is On For Two Runaways
Important headlines for April 12th – No to armed educators & Knife control
Hysterical Headlines or April 12th - Hate Crimes & Clueless regulation
More laws, more distracted driving - especially in South Florida
Has Facebook peaked? The answer in the US is yes and about two years ago
Florida's job growth in March was...
Tracking Trump for April 12th - What the President has been up to...
Hot – Facebook’s Zuckerberg Grilled By Senate, House Up Next
Trending – U.S. Response To Syria Chemical Attacks Appears Imminent
Most social media sharing isn't real
Finally! Social Security numbers will no longer be Medicare numbers
Important headlines for April 11th – Florida's Gender pay gap
Hysterical Headlines for April 11th - Hogg, Hannity & California
Midterm elections update for April 11th - Who'd Control Congress today
Hot – Florida’s Senate Race Goes National
Trending – Cohen Raid: Trump Irate, Calls It A “Disgrace” & “Witch Hunt”
How low can stocks go? Updated risks and values for April 10th
What's the next data scandal in the making? Google's YouTube is up
Important headlines for April 10th – Zuckerberg's child-like innocence
Hysterical Headlines for April 10th - Muller's Stormy raid
Tracking Trump for April 10th - What the President has been up to...
Tracking Time - A first look at Florida's heavyweight senate race
Hot – The Latest On Suspected Chemical Attack/Airstrikes In Syria
Trending – Facebook Notifies Users Their Data Was Shared
Part 1 - The real unemployment rate - April 9th
Part 2: The demographics of the unemployed - April 9th
Part 3: How much (more) money we're making
Important headlines for April 9th -
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for April 9th -
Tracking Trump for April 9th - What the President has been up to...
Trending – 16 Pulse Attack Survivors File Suit Against Social Media Giants
Important headlines - Accuracy of the CSU hurricane forecast
Your odds of getting hired are nearly 20% better than a year ago
The President's approval & the direction of the country for April 6th
Protecting the Palm Beaches for April 6th
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for April 6th - Burning Lake O'
Tracking Trump for April 6th - What the President has been up to...
Hot - "Fake" Veteran Arrested
Trending - Delta Says Last Fall's Breach May Have Compromised Customers
Floridians lead the way for desired entrepreneurship
Inside the ADP Report - March's job growth was...
Your audit odds are the lowest in years...What's changed over the past year
Important headline for April 5th - MLK Myth
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for April 5th - War on Kids
Tracking Trump for April 5th - What the President has been up to...
Hot – YouTube Shooting: Were Signs Ignored Once Again?
Trending – Deutch At Town Hall Decries “Weapons Of War”
What the tax cut means to you...the news is great for Floridians
Why buy? Net worth reaches all-time highs as home equity surges
Important headlines for April 4th
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for April 4th
Who Would Control Congress today
Tracking Trump for April 4th - What the President has been up to...
Hot – More Teacher Walkouts On Tap
Trending – FIU Bridge Collapse Survivor Files Suit
Is the USPS really losing money on Amazon's package delivery?
The ties that bind - Why is it that we still have a two-party system?
How low can stocks go? Updated risks and values for April 3rd
Important headlines for April 3rd
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for April 3rd
Tracking Trump for April 3rd - What the President has been up to...
Man Pulled From Ocean After Trying To Save Children In Jupiter
Hot – Trump’s Easter Included Church Service In Palm Beach & Tweets
Trending – Parkland Students Have New Security Protocols
Don't be evil was dropped by Google in 2015 - Maybe it wasn't a coincidence
Biometrics are coming to your workplace (if they haven't already)
April's stock market history
Important headlines for April 2nd
Hysterical Headlines (Funny or Absurd) for April 2nd
Tracking Trump for April 2nd - What the President has been up to...